首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ecosystem >Mangrove Vegetation and Water Quality Conditions in the Coastal Area of Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan

Mangrove Vegetation and Water Quality Conditions in the Coastal Area of Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan

机译:加里曼丹中部Seruyan Regency沿海地区的红树林植被和水质状况



The aim of this study was 1) to assess the mangrove vegetation condition from mangrove distribution and composition and Importance value index (IVI), and 2) to assess the water quality from physico-chemical parameters and primary productivity in the coastal waters of Seruyan Regency. The study was carried out from December 2012 to May 2013, on 3 mangrove zones or habitats in the coastal area of Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan, i.e. Zone I (Sungai Bakau Village), Zone II (Kuala Pembuang II Village); and Zone III (Sungai Gintung Village). Data were obtained by Line Tansect Plot method, population sampling of an ecosystem with sample plot approach along the line put from the coastal line toward the land. Vegetation diversity showed that mangrove distribution in the study site was structured by 5 species, Avicennia marina, Excoecaria agallocha L, Nypa fruticans, Rhizophora apiculata, and Sonneratia caseolaris. Zone I (Sungai Bakau village) had 16 individuals (69.6%) of N. fruticans and 7 individuals (30.4%) of S. caseolaris, with a density of 6 ind/100 m2. Zone II (Kuala Pembuang II village) had 66 individuals (89.2%) of A. marina,4 individuals (5.4%)of E. agallocha and 4 individuals (5.4%) of R. apiculata, with a density of 15 ind/100 m2. Zone III (Sungai Gintung village) had only A. marina as many as 30 individuals (100 %). The mangrove density was 10 ind/100 m2. Moreover, the importance value index in zone I was 151.4 for N. fruticans and 148.6 for S. caseolaris. In zone II, the highest IVI occurred in A. marina (231.7), followed by E. agallocha (50.0) and Rhizophora apiculata (18.3). In zone III, since A. marina was the only spesies found, the IVI was 300.0. Mangrove productivity was 100 gr C/m2/yr in zone I, 63.98 gr C/m2/yr in zone II, and 35.36 gr C/m2/yr in zone III, respectively. Physico-chemical parameters, such as temperature, pH, DO, and total suspended solid still met the provision of Minister’s Decree for Living Environment No. 51, 2004. Except that nitrate (N-NO3) and phosphate (P-PO4) exceeded provision of seawater quality standard, 0.008 mg/l for nitrate (N-NO3) and 0.015 mg/l for phosphate (P-PO4).
机译:这项研究的目的是:1)从红树林的分布,组成和重要性价值指数(IVI)评估红树林的植被状况,以及2)从理化参数和Seruyan Regency沿海水域的初级生产力评估水质。该研究于2012年12月至2013年5月在加里曼丹中部Seruyan Regency沿海地区的3个红树林带或栖息地进行,即I区(Sungai Bakau村),II区(Kuala Pembuang II村);三区(Sungai Gintung Village)。数据是通过线断面图方法获得的,该方法是使用生态系统的人口抽样方法,沿着从沿海线到陆地的线沿样线进行采样。植被多样性表明,研究地点的红树林分布由五种物种组成:Avicennia滨海,Excoecaria agallocha L,Nypa fruticans,Rhizophora apiculata和Sonneratia caseolaris。 I区(Sungai Bakau村)有16株(69.6%)的金黄色葡萄球菌和7株(30.4%)的干酪乳杆菌,密度为6 ind / 100 m 2 。 II区(瓜拉奔邦II村)有66例(89.2%)滨海假单胞菌,4例(5.4%)的阿米加罗非鱼和A. apiculata的4个个体(5.4%),密度为15 ind / 100 m 2 。第三区(双溪金通村)只有A.码头,多达30人(100%)。红树林密度为10 ind / 100 m 2 。此外,I区的重要性值指数对于金黄色葡萄球菌为151.4,对于干酪葡萄球菌为148.6。在II区,最高的IVI发生在滨海曲霉(A. marina)(231.7),其次是E. agallocha(50.0)和Rhizophora apiculata(18.3)。在第三区,由于仅发现了滨海假丝酵母,因此IVI为300.0。 I区的红树林生产力为100 gr C / m 2 / yr,II区的红树林生产力为63.98 gr C / m 2 / yr,II区为35.36 gr C / m 2 / yr III区分别为2 / yr。温度,pH,DO和总悬浮固体等理化参数仍然符合2004年第51号部长法令的要求。硝酸盐(N-NO 3 )和磷酸盐(P-PO 4 )超过了海水质量标准,硝酸盐(N-NO 3 )为0.008 mg / l,磷酸盐(P-PO 4 )为0.015 mg / l PO 4 )。



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