首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks >Coordinating Disaster Relief Operations Using Smart Phone / PDA Based Peer-To-Peer Communication

Coordinating Disaster Relief Operations Using Smart Phone / PDA Based Peer-To-Peer Communication

机译:使用基于智能电话/ PDA的对等通信来协调救灾工作



During any post-disaster period, the availability of the Internet is ruled out in most cases, mobile phones are only partially usable in some selected regions. Candidate devices for maintaining minimal services are mostly expensive satellite phones or specialized point-to-point radio communication systems. As communication systems become crippled, so do the management of the relief operations. One of the common problems during disasters is that the rescue and relief operations are not well-coordinated. For this reason, there is a need for a system that will help in the efficient distribution of rescue and relief to disaster-affected areas. The objective of this paper is to propose a smart-phone/ PDA based disaster management system based on peer to peer communication only and supporting disconnected operation.
机译:在任何灾后期间,大多数情况下都不会使用Internet,在某些选定区域中只能部分使用手机。维持最少服务的候选设备大多是昂贵的卫星电话或专用的点对点无线电通信系统。随着通信系统的瘫痪,救济行动的管理也变得如此。灾难期间的常见问题之一是救援和救援行动的协调性不强。因此,需要一种系统,以帮助向受灾地区有效地分发救援物资。本文的目的是提出一种基于智能电话/ PDA的灾难管理系统,该系统仅基于对等通信并支持非连接操作。



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