首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Yoga >Yoga Offers Cardiovascular Protection in Early Postmenopausal Women

Yoga Offers Cardiovascular Protection in Early Postmenopausal Women




Context: Postmenopause, an estrogen deficient state comes with increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Yoga has been described as having a beneficial effect on heart rate variability (HRV), a marker for cardiac autonomic activity which can assess cardiovascular risk, in various populations. Aim: the aim of the study was to study the effect of 3-month long Yoga practice on HRV in early postmenopausal women. Settings and Design: A prospective longitudinal study of 67 women within 5 years of menopause between 45 and 60 years of age attending menopause clinic of Department of Gynaecology, Sucheta Kriplani Hospital fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria and consenting were enrolled for the study. Subjects and Methods: HRV of 37 cases ( Yoga group) and 30 controls ( non - Yoga group) was recorded pre and 3-month postintervention. Statistical Analysis Used: GraphPad Prism Version 5 software was used. Values are a mean and standard error of mean. Statistical significance was set up at P < 0.05. Results: In HRV, frequency domain analysis showed a significant fall in low frequency (LF) in normalized units (nu) and LF: high frequency (HF) ratio and significant rise in HF in nu in the Yoga group (depicting parasympathetic dominance) against a significant rise in LF (nu) and LF: HF ratio and significant fall in HF (nu) in non - Yoga group (indicating sympathetic dominance). Time domain analysis showed a significant decrease in Standard Deviation of NN intervals in Non - Yoga group against nonsignificant changes in Yoga group indicating deterioration in parasympathetic activity in non - Yoga group. Conclusions: Three-month long Yoga practice improved HRV in early postmenopausal women significantly and has the potential to attenuate the CVD risk in postmenopausal women.
机译:背景:绝经后,雌激素缺乏状态伴随着心血管疾病(CVD)的发生率增加。瑜伽被描述为对各种人群的心律变异性(HRV)具有有益作用,HRV是心脏自主神经活动的标志,可以评估心血管风险。目的:该研究的目的是研究3个月的瑜伽练习对绝经后早期女性HRV的影响。设置与设计:前瞻性纵向研究纳入了就诊于45岁至60岁之间的绝经5年内,年龄在45至60岁之间的67名妇女,他们就诊于苏塔塔克里普里医院妇科更年期诊所,符合纳入和排除标准并获得同意。对象和方法:干预前和干预后3个月记录了37例(瑜伽组)和30例对照组(非瑜伽组)的HRV。使用的统计分析:使用GraphPad Prism版本5软件。值是平均值和平均值的标准误。统计学显着性设置为P <0.05。结果:在HRV中,频域分析显示瑜伽组中的标准化单位(nu)和LF:高频(HF)比率的低频(LF)明显降低,而nu组的nu的HF明显升高(表明副交感优势)。非瑜伽组的LF(nu)和LF:HF比显着升高,而HF(nu)显着下降(表明交感神经支配)。时域分析显示,非瑜伽组的NN间隔标准偏差显着降低,而瑜伽组的无显着变化表明非瑜伽组的副交感神经活动恶化。结论:为期三个月的瑜伽练习可显着改善绝经后早期女性的HRV,并有可能减轻绝经后女性的CVD风险。



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