首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research >Production Strategy Of Dreamers Radio In K-POP Vaganza Program In New Media Era

Production Strategy Of Dreamers Radio In K-POP Vaganza Program In New Media Era

机译:新媒体时代K-POP Vaganza节目中Dreamers电台的制作策略



The purpose of this research was to identify Dreamers Radio production strategy in K-POP Vaganza program and how the strategy of the production team in designing the program to increase the number of listeners in new media era. The research method used qualitative method which will be explained descriptively with data obtained through in-depth interview about production stage and program strategy in connection with new media era. Based on the results of research can be analyzed that the media product is very instrumental in the process of pre-production, production, and post production. The program's production strategy in an effort to get closer to the target audience and increase the listener is also related to the selection, scheduling, promotion, and evaluation that are also closely related to the product and market share in the new media era. The result concluded that new media products are very helpful in the production strategy and design of the qualified K-POP Vaganza program that will lead to an increase in the number of listeners and remain the flagship program at Dreamers Radio.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定K-POP Vaganza节目中的Dreamers广播制作策略,以及制作团队在设计该节目时的策略如何在新媒体时代增加听众人数。研究方法使用定性方法,将通过与新媒体时代有关的生产阶段和节目策略的深入访谈获得的数据来描述性地解释。根据研究结果可以分析,媒体产品在预生产,生产和后期生产过程中起着非常重要的作用。该节目的制作策略旨在更贴近目标受众并增加听众,这也与选择,安排,促销和评估有关,这也与新媒体时代的产品和市场份额密切相关。结果表明,新的媒体产品对于合格的K-POP Vaganza节目的制作策略和设计非常有帮助,这将导致听众数量增加,并仍然是Dreamers Radio的旗舰节目。



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