首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research >Storage Systems For Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranean) And Their Implications For Bruchid Pest Management In Talensi-Nabdam District, Upper East Region, Ghana.

Storage Systems For Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranean) And Their Implications For Bruchid Pest Management In Talensi-Nabdam District, Upper East Region, Ghana.




Abstract: - Bamabara groundnut, Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc, is an important grain legume that plays a significant role in sustainable agriculture, food and nutritional security in sub-Saharan Africa. In northern Ghana one major constraint to the save preservation of bambara groundnut seeds after harvest is infestation by bruchid insects. A survey was conducted to obtain information on the existing storage systems and their implications for bruchid pest management in the Talensi-Nabdam district of Upper East region of Ghana. Six farming communities and five marketing centers were surveyed between January and March, 2012 by administering structured and semi structured questionnaires to respondents drawn by purposive sampling method. The study revealed that the major storage pests infesting bambara groundnuts in the surveyed areas were insects of the bruchid group which were dominated by three species of Callosobruhus and one species of Zabrotes. Storage structures used by farmers and traders included earthenware pots, gourds, mud silos, jute sacks, metal drums and plastic containers but jute sacks and clay pots were rampant in terms of use. Though not all the structures are effective many were used owing to their hermetic conditions against the pests, coupled with their durability, economic and ease of integration with indigenous grain protectants such as admixture with vegetable oils, fine ash and extracts from a local plant scientifically known as Hyptis spicigera. The extract from Hyptis spicigera was more (50 %) in use to preserve Bambara groundnuts because its work better in warding off the bruchid pest. The rampant postharvest losses to bambara groundnut grains in the area could be minimized if these existing storage structures and grain preservation techniques were improved.
机译:摘要:-巴马巴拉花生(Vigna subterranea(L.)Verdc)是一种重要的谷物豆类,在撒哈拉以南非洲的可持续农业,粮食和营养安全中起着重要作用。在加纳北部,收获后保存香瓜花生种子的一个主要限制因素是bru虫侵染。进行了一项调查,以获取有关加纳上东部地区Talensi-Nabdam区现有存储系统及其对串虫害虫管理的影响的信息。 2012年1月至2012年3月,通过对有目的和有目的的抽样方法向受访者进行结构化和半结构化问卷调查,对六个农业社区和五个营销中心进行了调查。研究表明,在调查区域内,侵害巴巴拉花生的主要贮藏害虫是布鲁奇德族的昆虫,其中以三种Callosobruhus和一种Zabrotes为主。农民和商人使用的存储结构包括陶罐,葫芦,泥仓,黄麻麻袋,金属桶和塑料容器,但黄麻麻袋和陶罐的使用范围很广。尽管并非所有结构都是有效的,但由于它们具有防虫害的密封条件,加上其耐用性,经济性以及与本地谷物保护剂(如与植物油,细灰分的混合物和科学已知的当地植物提取物的混合物)的易混性,因此使用了许多结构如Hyptis spicigera。 Hyptis spicigera的提取物更多(50%)用于保存Bambara花生,因为它能更好地阻止布鲁氏害虫。如果改善这些现有的存​​储结构和谷物保存技术,则可以最大程度地减少该地区班巴花生的严重收获后损失。



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