首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research >Menstrual Hygiene Condition Of Adolescent Schoolgirls At Chittagong Division In Bangladesh

Menstrual Hygiene Condition Of Adolescent Schoolgirls At Chittagong Division In Bangladesh




Abstract: In developing countries like Bangladesh, menstrual hygiene and management is not prime concern in the sector of reproductive health and water, sanitation and hygiene. To achieve Millennium Development goals (MDGs) within right time a study on women reproductive health of Bangladesh is very necessary as it ensures environment sustainability, gender equality and women empowerment. A typical and systematic study on adolescent school girls of greater Chittagong Division of Bangladesh on menstrual hygiene and management condition were carried to identify the prevailing knowledge and experiences and their implications. Chittagong division consists of 11 districts including total land area 33,771.18 Sq. Km. where the total land area of Bangladesh is 1,47,570 Sq. Km. By using mixed methods both quantitative and qualitative, data was collected from 1373 adolescent school girls from 22 schools of 11 districts. The survey includes some pre-questionnaires and focus group discussions and interviews. Knowledge and beliefs, experiences during menstruation, seclusion and absenteeism and finally hygiene practices were analysed through this descriptive cross sectional study. Data wasn't fluctuated very much in different district except Khagrachhari, Rangamati and Bandarban. Maximum number of survey respondents (96%) reported that they had known about menstruation before their menarche, 90% respondents were facing abdominal pain and mental stress is another key thing due to extra thinking about her menstruation and maintain secrecy from others, 95% of them maintaining some restrictions due to religious issue and for other significant reason. Almost 39% of total respondents was being absent in school at least one day, during menstruation period and reason behind this circumstances were also evaluated. Re-usable cloths were preferred by the tribal girls (Khagrachhari, Rangamati and Bandarban district) whereas sanitary pad was preferable by rest of the district. In total 49% used re-usable cloths and use rate of old piece of cloth was higher at rural area. Absorbent material used, bath taken, cleaning and changing, availability of toilet, disposal of absorbent material in last menstruation were analysed to identify their hygiene practice. Finally some recommendations are proposed after analyzing the focus group discussions and interview.
机译:摘要:在孟加拉国这样的发展中国家,经期卫生和管理并不是生殖健康和水,环境卫生和个人卫生领域的首要关注。为了在适当的时候实现千年发展目标,必须对孟加拉国的妇女生殖健康进行研究,因为这可以确保环境的可持续性,性别平等和赋予妇女权力。对孟加拉国吉大港市大学生青春期女孩的月经卫生和管理状况进行了典型和系统的研究,以确定流行的知识和经验及其影响。吉大港市辖区包括11个地区,包括总土地面积33,771.18平方米。 m孟加拉国的土地总面积为1,47,570平方英尺。 m通过定量和定性混合方法,收集了来自11个地区22所学校的1373名青春期女学生的数据。该调查包括一些问卷调查表以及焦点小组的讨论和访谈。通过这项描述性横断面研究,分析了月经,隐居和旷工期间的知识和信仰,经历以及最后的卫生习惯。除Khagrachhari,Rangamati和Bandarban外,其他地区的数据波动并不大。最多的受访者人数(96%)报告说,他们在初潮前就了解月经,90%的受访者正面临腹痛,精神压力是另一关键,这是由于人们对月经的额外思考和对他人的保密,95%的受访者由于宗教问题和其他重要原因,他们保留了一些限制。月经期间至少有一天,将近39%的受访者缺勤,并对这种情况的原因也进行了评估。部落女孩(Khagrachhari,Rangamati和Bandarban地区)更喜欢可重复使用的衣服,而其余地区则更喜欢使用卫生巾。农村地区可重复使用的布总计占49%,旧布的使用率更高。分析吸收剂的使用,洗澡,清洁和更换,厕所的可用性,最后一次月经期吸收剂的处理,以确认其卫生习惯。最后,在对焦点小组讨论和访谈进行了分析之后,提出了一些建议。



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