首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Integrated Care >WatLX?: Development and validation of a cross-continuum rehabilitative care patient experience instrument

WatLX?: Development and validation of a cross-continuum rehabilitative care patient experience instrument

机译:WatLX ?:跨连续性康复护理患者体验仪器的开发和验证



Introduction : As health care systems move to integrate service delivery between settings and providers in geographic regions, oversight and funding bodies are beginning to explore methods of measuring patients overall experience of a health care system, as well as its individual service delivery organisations. Integrated care, comprising successful transitions and communication between health service organizations, and positive experiences with providers is particularly important for rehabilitative care clients, where continuity of care and treatment adherence impact outcomes. Methods : Using the results of a comprehensive and systematic review of psychometrically tested rehabilitative care experience measures and data collection instruments (McMurray et al., 2015a, 2015b), we created an inventory of 508 questions and identified six themes that represented key patient experience constructs. A parsimonious set of questions that focussed on key constructs by themes was tested for content and face validity using focus groups with rehabilitative care patients and their informal caregivers, and contributions from rehabilitative care experts. Cognitive interviewing was used to test the questionnaire usability and user interface. Construct validity and reliability testing (inter-item correlation & test-retest reliability) is in progress *with a small pilot sample of rehabilitative care clients. Results : A ten item questionnaire was tested using cognitive interviewing with 12 patients (3 rounds of 4 participants each) and three progressively edited versions of the WatLX? questionnaire. A final version required no further modifications, and is currently undergoing psychometric testing. Results will be available and presented at the conference. A final version of the WatLX? survey will be shared with delegates. Discussion : Rehabilitative care clients have characteristics that differentiate their experience from that of other sectors and patient groups, warranting a customized patient experience framework and dedicated data collection instrument. Many patient experience instruments focus on just one care provider in a care system, and use large question panels that may incur low response rates. The survey instrument developed in this research study provides a parsimonious set of questions that address strategic issues in the ongoing improvement of care delivery and the patient experience in the rehabilitative care sector. Conclusion : The WatLX? rehabilitative care patient experience survey instrument has undergone successful content and face validation, and is currently undergoing construct validation with a sample population of rehabilitative care clients. Next Steps : A pilot test of the WatLX? will start in 2016 with a population of out-patient rehabilitative care clients. As 85% of care in Canada occurs at the community level (Canadian Medical Association, 2010), the research team is developing a mobile application that will allow in-situ collection of patient experience data immediately after a service encounter. This application is expected to provide a more immediate, accurate and insightful level of understanding service quality, and address the issues of recall bias, retention and responsiveness with traditional survey modalities.
机译:简介:随着医疗保健系统逐渐整合地理区域内的机构和提供者之间的服务提供,监督和资助机构开始探索衡量患者对医疗保健系统及其各个服务提供组织的整体体验的方法。一体化护理,包括卫生服务组织之间的成功过渡和沟通,以及与提供者的积极经验,对于康复护理客户而言尤其重要,因为康复的持续性和治疗依从性会影响结果。方法:根据对经过心理测验的康复护理经验测评和数据收集工具的全面系统评价的结果(McMurray等人,2015a,2015b),我们创建了508个问题的清单,并确定了代表患者经验构建关键要素的六个主题。使用康复护理患者及其非正式护理人员的焦点小组以及康复护理专家的帮助,测试了一组针对主题的关键问题的简约问题,其内容和面部有效性。认知访谈被用来测试问卷的可用性和用户界面。 *正在进行康复护理客户的小型试点样本,正在进行构建体有效性和可靠性测试(项目间相关性和重测重试可靠性)。结果:使用认知访谈法对10项问卷进行了测试,对12例患者进行了问卷调查(每轮3轮,每个参与者4轮),并逐步编辑了3种WatLX?问卷。最终版本不需要进一步修改,并且目前正在接受心理测试。结果将在会议上公布。 WatLX的最终版本?调查将与代表分享。讨论:康复护理客户的特征使其经验与其他部门和患者群体的经验不同,因此需要定制的患者经验框架和专用的数据收集工具。许多患者体验仪器仅关注护理系统中的一名护理提供者,并使用大问题面板,可能会导致较低的响应率。本研究中开发的调查工具提出了一系列简单的问题,以解决不断改善的护理提供和康复护理领域患者经验中的战略问题。结论:WatLX?康复护理患者体验调查工具已经过成功的内容和面部验证,并且目前正在与样本的康复护理客户一起进行结构验证。后续步骤:WatLX的先导测试?将于2016年开始,届时将有大量的门诊康复服务客户。随着加拿大85%的护理发生在社区一级(加拿大医学协会,2010年),研究团队正在开发一种移动应用程序,该应用程序将允许在遇到服务后立即就地收集患者体验数据。预计该应用程序将提供对服务质量的更直接,更准确和更深入的了解,并使用传统的调查方式解决召回偏见,保留和响应问题。



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