首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Poultry Sciences >Outbreak of Velogenic Viscerotropic Newcastle Disease in Broilers

Outbreak of Velogenic Viscerotropic Newcastle Disease in Broilers




This report describes an outbreak of an acute, highly lethal, Newcastle Disease (ND) in two broiler flocks that were intensively managed and vaccinated against Newcastle disease. The broiler flocks (325) were four weeks and (450) were six weeks old at the time of the outbreak. Clinical characteristics of the disease included a 100% morbidity, increasing high mortality i.e. 40 birds (day one), 70 birds (day two), 180 (day three) and the entire flocks consisting of 755 birds were lost by the fifth day. Clinical features observed included severe depression, gasping, anorexia, cyanosis and subcutaneous haemorrhages of the legs and shank. Gross lesions seen were severe congestion of skeletal muscles and visceral organs and severe haemorrhages and congestion of the proventriculus, cecal tonsils and trachea, air saculitis with severely congested and pneumonic lungs were observed as well. Ten cloacal swabs from dead and sick birds were tested using a Rapid Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza Antigen Detection Test Kits. This Chromatographic- immunoassay tested positive for ND and negative for AI confirming the presence of ND viral antigen. Four dead and live birds taken to National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI) Vom, Nigeria for further confirmation were tested using rapid test kit, haemagglutination inhibition test and viral isolation. These tests were also negative for AI but positive for vvND. Clinical signs and gross lesions of ND and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) seem not to be distinguishable in the field. This is likely going to affect disease reporting and actions to be taken. Vaccination against ND should not be totally relied upon especially when birds are not seromonitored pre and post vaccination.
机译:该报告描述了在两个经过严格管理并接种了新城疫疫苗的肉鸡群中爆发的一种急性,高致死性新城疫(ND)。爆发时,肉鸡群(325)龄为4周,而(450)龄为6周。该疾病的临床特征包括发病率100%,高死亡率增加,即40只鸟(第一天),70只鸟(第二天),180只鸟(第三天),到755天,整个由755只鸟组成的鸡群全部丧失。观察到的临床特征包括严重的抑郁,喘气,厌食,发以及腿和小腿的皮下出血。肉眼可见的严重病变包括骨骼肌和内脏器官的严重充血,严重的出血和前胃,盲肠扁桃体和气管的充血,还发现了严重严重充血的肺炎和肺炎。使用快速新城疫和禽流感抗原检测试剂盒对十只死禽和病禽的泄殖腔拭子进行了测试。此色谱免疫测定法检测到ND呈阳性,而AI呈阴性,证实了ND病毒抗原的存在。使用快速检测试剂盒,血凝抑制试验和病毒分离测试了四只死禽和活禽,这些禽鸟被带到尼日利亚国家兽医研究所(NVRI)进行进一步确认。这些测试对AI也呈阴性,但对vvND呈阳性。 ND和高致病性禽流感(HPAI)的临床体征和严重病变在该领域似乎没有区别。这可能会影响疾病报告和应采取的措施。不应完全依靠针对ND的疫苗接种,尤其是在禽类在接种前后均未进行血清监测的情况下。



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