首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Poultry Sciences >Effect of Phyllanthus buxifolius Leaf as a Feed Supplement on Liver Function and Haematological Response of Quail ( Coturnix coturnix japonica ) Challenged with Infectious Newcastle Disease Virus

Effect of Phyllanthus buxifolius Leaf as a Feed Supplement on Liver Function and Haematological Response of Quail ( Coturnix coturnix japonica ) Challenged with Infectious Newcastle Disease Virus




Background and Objective: Quail breeders are continuously facing high mortality rates due to Newcastle disease virus infection. Administration of 4-6% Phyllanthus buxifolius leaf powder in the diet can decrease fat and cholesterol levels in egg yolk and increase the immunity of unchallenged quail against Newcastle disease virus. This study examines the effects of P. buxifolius leaf powder on liver function and the haematological responses of quail challenged with Newcastle disease virus. Materials and Methods: One day old quail were acclimatized for 14 days in collective bamboo cages. Seventy-five female quail with similar weights were transferred to individual cages and randomized into five groups, each group being fed a commercial diet containing either 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8% P. buxifolius leaf powder. At the age of 47 days, all quail were infected with velogenic Newcastle disease virus. Haemogglutination inhibition tests were conducted on quail at the ages of 45, 65 and 80 days. Liver function tests and white blood cell and platelet counts were evaluated on quail at the ages of 45 and 75 days. Results: Supplementation with P. buxifolius leaf powder significantly increased antibody titers in 75 and 90 days old quail, significantly decreased aspartate amino transferase and alanine amino transferase levels and decreased total leucocyte, thrombocyte, lymphocyte and monocyte counts. Leaf powders of P. buxifolius have a high potential to protect poultry from infection with Newcastle disease virus and reduce spread of the disease. Conclusion: Dietary supplementation with 4-6% P. buxifolius leaf powder does not cause liver damage or inflammation in quail and may protect against infection.
机译:背景与目的:由于新城疫病毒感染,鹌鹑育种者不断面临高死亡率。日粮中添加4-6%的叶楠叶粉可降低蛋黄中的脂肪和胆固醇水平,并增强未受挑战的鹌鹑对新城疫病毒的免疫力。这项研究检查了新叶青叶粉对肝功能和受到新城疫病毒攻击的鹌鹑的血液学反应的影响。材料和方法:将一天大的鹌鹑在集体竹笼中适应14天。将75只体重相似的雌性鹌鹑转移到各个笼子中,并随机分为五组,每组饲喂商业饲料,其中含有0、2、4、6和8%的水生假单胞菌叶粉。在47天大的时候,所有鹌鹑都感染了速溶新城疫病毒。在45、65和80天的年龄对鹌鹑进行了血凝抑制试验。在45和75天龄的鹌鹑上评估肝功能测试以及白细胞和血小板计数。结果:补充青枯菌叶粉可显着提高75和90天龄鹌鹑的抗体效价,显着降低天冬氨酸氨基转移酶和丙氨酸氨基转移酶的水平,并降低总白细胞,血小板,淋巴细胞和单核细胞计数。 Puxifolius的叶粉具有很高的潜力来保护家禽免受新城疫病毒的感染并减少疾病的传播。结论:饮食中添加4-6%的叶酸假单胞菌叶粉不会引起肝脏损害或鹌鹑发炎,并且可以预防感染。



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