
Bayesian Based Comment Spam Defending Tool




Spam messes up user’s inbox, consumes network resources and spread worms and viruses. Spam is flooding of unsolicited, unwanted e mail. Spam in blogs is called blog spam or comment spam.It is done by posting comments or flooding spams to the services such as blogs, forums,news,email archives and guestbooks. Blog spams generally appears on guestbooks or comment pages where spammers fill a comment box with spam words. In addition to wasting user’s time with unwanted comments, spam also consumes a lot of bandwidth. In this paper, we propose a software tool to prevent such blog spams by using Bayesian Algorithm based technique. It is derived from Bayes’ Theorem. It gives an output which has a probability that any comment is spam, given that it has certain words in it. With using our past entries and a comment entry , this value is obtained and compared with a threshold value to find if it exceeds the threshold value or not. By using this cocept, we developed a software tool to block comment spam. The experimental results show that the Bayesian based tool is working well. This paper has the major findings and their significance of blog spam filter.



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