首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology >Design and Fabrication of Sequencing Circuit with Single Double Acting Cylinder

Design and Fabrication of Sequencing Circuit with Single Double Acting Cylinder




This project deals with the construction of pneumatic device assembly for press-fitting a pin to a hole. For press-fitting a pin to hole using a pneumatic device accomplishes a cylinder and a button to operate it. But by accidentally operator may have his hand in the work while operating the cylinder. For this safety issue our design is such a way that it provides an output only when both palm button 3-way valves are operated nearly simultaneously. Through this circuit operator’s safety is ensured. Our project’s main motto is to press fit a pin to hole using pneumatic devices by economically and to ensure the operator’s safety i.e. When starting an operation, accidents such as fingers being caught can be prevented, by requiring both hands to start these palm button operated valves. The solution to this problem is done by connecting two palm button spring return valves connected in series, 5/2 way pilot operator valve and a double acting cylinder.
机译:该项目涉及用于将销压装到孔的气动装置组件的构造。为了使用气动装置将销钉压配合到孔中,需要完成一个圆柱体和一个操作它的按钮。但是偶然地,操作员可能在操作液压缸时把手伸进去工作。为了安全起见,我们的设计采用以下方式:仅当两个手掌按钮三通阀几乎同时操作时才提供输出。通过该电路,可确保操作员的安全。我们项目的主要座右铭是经济地使用气动装置将销钉压入孔中,并确保操作人员的安全,即,在开始操作时,通过要求双手启动这些手掌式按钮操作的阀,可以防止发生手指被夹住的事故。 。该问题的解决方案是通过连接两个串联的手掌弹簧复位阀,5/2方向先导操作阀和一个双作用油缸来完成的。



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