首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Geosciences >Structural and Stratigraphical Correlation of Seismic Profiles between Drigri Anticline and Bahawalpur High in Central Indus Basin of Pakistan

Structural and Stratigraphical Correlation of Seismic Profiles between Drigri Anticline and Bahawalpur High in Central Indus Basin of Pakistan




Publicly available seismic and well data are used to study the subsurface structure and stratigraphy of an area on the southern margin of the Central Indus Basin (CIB), Pakistan. Study area includes southern parts of the Punjab Platform and Sulaiman Foredeep tectonic units of the CIB. A regional scale East-West depth cross-section is prepared in South of hydrocarbon bearing Safed Koh Trend to Punjab Platform. It gives the structural configuration of various formations of Paleozoic-Cenozoic times. Reflectors are marked and correlated with the help of wells Drigri-01 and Bahawalpur East-01, located on seismic lines 914-RPR-03 and 916-YZM-05 respectively. These reflectors/formations are correlated with respect to ages to avoid the confusions as there are many truncations in the area. Average velocities are used for the depth computation. Depth cross-section (AB) shows that Punjab Monocline is a stable area with a shallow basement. In Punjab Platform all the formations dip gently to the West. Then they attain steep dips in the Sulaiman Foredeep/Depression area. Depth cross-section along the Drigri anticline which lies in the SE of Sakhi Sarwar anticline reveals that it is extended E-W over 17 km approx. and the reverse faults are present on both flanks of a fold, due to that a pop up structure is formed. It’s a low amplitude fold, as it marks the southern end of Safed Koh Trend (first line of folding of the folded flank of Sub-Sulaiman Fore Deep). Subsurface structural variations at Bahawalpur show a buried high of Jurassic-Permian age. A sedimentary cover is 9 km thick in West and 3 m thick in East. Basement is uplifted at Bahawalpur High.
机译:使用公开可用的地震和井数据来研究巴基斯坦中部印度河流域(CIB)南缘地区的地下结构和地层。研究区域包括CIB的旁遮普平台南部和Sulaiman Foredeep构造单元。在含Safed Koh Trend到旁遮普平台的碳氢化合物的南部准备了一个区域规模的东西向深度剖面。它给出了古生代-新生代各种构造的结构构造。在分别位于地震线914-RPR-03和916-YZM-05的Drigri-01井和Bahawalpur East-01井的帮助下,对反射器进行标记和关联。这些反射器/地层与年龄相关联,以避免混淆,因为该区域有许多截断。平均速度用于深度计算。深度横截面(AB)显示旁遮普邦Monocline是一个稳定的区域,地下室较浅。在旁遮普平台,所有编队都轻轻地向西倾斜。然后他们在Sulaiman Foredeep / Depression地区达到陡峭的倾角。 Sakhi Sarwar背斜东南部沿Drigri背斜的深度剖面显示,其E-W延伸约17 km。由于形成了弹出结构,因此在褶皱的两个侧面上都存在反向缺陷。这是一个低振幅的折痕,因为它标志着Safed Koh Trend的最南端(Su-Sulaiman Fore Deep折叠后翼的第一折线)。 Bahawalpur的地下结构变化显示出侏罗纪-二叠纪时代的地下高位。西部的沉积层厚9公里,东部的厚3m。 Bahawalpur高地地下室被提升。



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