首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences >Evaluation of hydrogeomorphological landforms and lineaments using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques in Bargur – Mathur subwatersheds, Ponnaiyar River basin, India

Evaluation of hydrogeomorphological landforms and lineaments using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques in Bargur – Mathur subwatersheds, Ponnaiyar River basin, India

机译:利用地理信息系统和遥感技术,在印度波纳亚尔河流域的Bargur – Mathur子流域评价水文地貌地貌和地貌



The Landsat ETM satellite data is used to demarcate hydrogeomorphological landforms and lineaments to evaluate groundwater potential of the study area. The Bargur - Mathur subwatersheds of Ponnaiyar river basin is occupied mostly by hard rocks and half of the portion in the study area is covered mainly by both wet and dry cultivation. The major hydrogeomorphic units identified in the area are, Structural Hills, Denudational Hills, Residual Hills, Inselberg, Pediments, Buried Pediment Inselberg Complex, Pediplains, Valley Fills, Linear Ridges, Boulders and Rocky Knobs. Most part of the study area is occupied by pediplains with various thicknesses and the ground water potential is directly related to thickness of pediplain. Field observations showed that ground water occurs under unconfined conditions with water table at shallow to deep depth. From the lineament map, the lineament density and lineament intersection maps prepared to understand the impacts on groundwater percolation. Finally, the hydrogeomorphology and Lineament maps are overlaid following the weighted index overlay method, which delineates groundwater potential zones. An integrated remote sensing and geographic Information System (GIS) based approach has been used for demarcating groundwater potential zones in the study area.
机译:Landsat ETM卫星数据用于划分水文地貌地形和地貌,以评估研究区域的地下水潜力。 Ponnaiyar流域的Bargur-Mathur子流域主要被坚硬的岩石占据,研究区域的一半部分主要由湿耕和干耕覆盖。该地区确定的主要水文地貌单元是:结构性山丘,胶齿山丘陵,残余山丘,因瑟尔贝格,山形岩,埋葬的因泽尔贝格岩体,成岩平原,谷地填充物,线性山脊,巨石和岩石旋钮。研究区域的大部分区域被各种厚度的pediplains所占据,地下水位与pediplain的厚度直接相关。野外观察表明,地下水是在无限制条件下发生的,地下水位在浅至深处。根据线状体图,线状体密度和线状体相交图可以理解对地下水渗流的影响。最后,按照加权指数叠加法叠加水文地貌图和Lineament图,描绘出地下水的潜在区域。基于集成的遥感和地理信息系统(GIS)的方法已用于划分研究区域的地下水潜在区。



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