首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics >Surface Photometry and Dynamical Properties of Lenticular Galaxies: NGC3245 as Case Study

Surface Photometry and Dynamical Properties of Lenticular Galaxies: NGC3245 as Case Study




In this paper, surface photometry and dynamical properties of Lenticular galaxies will be developed and applied to NGC3245. In this respect, we established new relation between the intensity distribution I and the semi-major axis a Moreover, some basic statistics of both independent and the dependent variables of the relation are also given. In addition to the I(a) relation , the Sérsic r1 model is applied for the intensity profile I(r) resulting in an estimation of the effective radius, re, and the surface brightness it encloses, μe. Both relations (I(a) and I(r)) are accurate as judged by the precision criteria which are: the probable errors for the coefficients , the estimated variance of the fit and the Q value (the square distance between the exact solution and the least square estimated solution) where all very satisfactory. Correlation coefficients between some parameters of the isophotes are also computed. Finally as examples of applications of surface photometry we determined the dynamical properties: mass, density, potential distributions, as well as distributions of escape and circular speeds in terms of Sérsic model.
机译:本文将开发透镜状星系的表面光度法和动力学性质,并将其应用于NGC3245。在这方面,我们建立了强度分布I与半长轴a之间的新关系。此外,还给出了该关系的独立变量和因变量的一些基本统计量。除I(a)关系外,还将Sérsicr1 / n模型应用于强度分布I(r),从而估算出有效半径re和其所包围的表面亮度μe。两种关系(I(a)和I(r))都是根据精度标准判断的,这些精度标准是:系数的可能误差,拟合的估计方差和Q值(精确解与最小二乘方估计的解决方案),所有方面都令人满意还计算了等渗线的一些参数之间的相关系数。最后,作为表面光度法应用的实例,我们确定了动力学特性:质量,密度,电势分布以及逃逸和圆周速度的分布(根据Sérsic模型)。



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