首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease >Sweeper’s lung disease: a cross-sectional study of an overlooked illness among sweepers of Pakistan

Sweeper’s lung disease: a cross-sectional study of an overlooked illness among sweepers of Pakistan




Background: Sweepers are prone to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease even without tobacco smoking. Purpose: To investigate roadside dust as a cause of air flow obstruction among sweepers, and the role of spirometry in its preclinical diagnosis. Material and methods: One-hundred nonsmoking sweepers (aged 30–60 years) of both sexes sweeping on roads for 8–12 hours a day for the Capital Development Authority of Islamabad, Pakistan were used as study participants (Group A). One-hundred healthy nonsmokers (aged 30–60 years) in the same socioeconomic group and living in the same environment represented the nonsweeper group (Group B). After proper clinical evaluation and chest X-rays, spirometric evaluation was carried out in both groups. Comparisons were drawn between various spirometric parameters. Results: Pulmonary function tests showed that the mean forced vital capacity was 78 ± 1.40 in the sweeper group (Group A) and 83 ± 0.86 in the nonsweeper group (Group B). Mean forced expiratory volume in 1 second was 66 ± 1.67 in Group A and 85 ± 0.85 in Group B (P < 0.05), a difference of 19%. The forced midexpiratory flow was 41% lower in Group A than in Group B (P < 0.0001). The pattern of pulmonary function obstruction was shown to be proportional to the duration of exposure to dust caused by sweeping. Conclusion: Occupational exposure to dust leads to an obstructive pattern among sweepers. Spirometry is the simplest, noninvasive technique to detect preclinical disease.
机译:背景:即使不吸烟,扫除人员也容易患慢性阻塞性肺疾病。目的:调查路边灰尘是造成扫除机之间气流阻塞的原因,以及肺量计在其临床前诊断中的作用。材料和方法:巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡首都发展局的一百名男女无烟清扫工(年龄在30-60岁之间)每天在道路上清扫8-12小时,作为研究参与者(A组)。同一社会经济群体中的一百位健康的不吸烟者(年龄在30至60岁之间),并且生活在相同的环境中,代表了不吸烟者(B组)。经过适当的临床评估和胸部X线检查后,两组均进行了肺功能测定。在各种肺活量测定参数之间进行比较。结果:肺功能测试显示,清扫器组(A组)的平均强迫肺活量为78±1.40,非清扫器组(B组)的平均强迫肺活量为83±0.86。 A组平均1秒的平均呼气量为66±1.67,B组为85±0.85(P <0.05),相差19%。 A组的强制呼气中期流量比B组低41%(P <0.0001)。肺功能阻塞的模式与扫除所导致的尘埃暴露持续时间成正比。结论:职业性接触灰尘会导致扫地机出现阻塞现象。肺活量测定法是检测临床前疾病的最简单的无创技术。



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