首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Health Hazards Associated with Consumption of Roof-Collected Rainwater in Urban Areas in Emergency Situations

Health Hazards Associated with Consumption of Roof-Collected Rainwater in Urban Areas in Emergency Situations




The greater Wellington region, New Zealand, is highly vulnerable to large earthquakes because it is cut by active faults. Bulk water supply pipelines cross the Wellington Fault at several different locations, and there is considerable concern about severe disruption of the provision of reticulated water supplies to households and businesses in the aftermath of a large earthquake. A number of policy initiatives have been launched encouraging householders to install rainwater tanks to increase post-disaster resilience. However, little attention has been paid to potential health hazards associated with consumption of these supplies. To assess health hazards for householders in emergency situations, six 200-litre emergency water tanks were installed at properties across the Wellington region, with five tanks being allowed to fill with roof-collected rainwater and one tank being filled with municipal tapwater as a control. Such tanks are predominantly set aside for water storage and, once filled, feature limited drawdown and recharge. Sampling from these tanks was carried out fortnightly for one year, and samples were analysed for E. coli, pH, conductivity, a range of major and trace elements, and organic compounds, enabling an assessment of the evolution of water chemistry in water storage tanks over time. Key findings were that the overall rate of E. coli detections in the rain-fed tanks was 17.7%, which is low in relation to other studies. We propose that low incidences of may be due to biocidal effects of high zinc concentrations in tanks, originating from unpainted galvanised steel roof cladding. Lead concentrations were high compared to other studies, with 69% of rain-fed tank samples exceeding the World Health Organisation’s health-based guideline of 0.01 mg/L. Further work is required to determine risks of short-term consumption of this water in emergency situations.
机译:较大的新西兰惠灵顿地区很容易受到大地震的破坏,因为它被活动断层切断了。散装的供水管道在几个不同的位置穿过惠灵顿断层,在地震发生后,人们严重担心向家庭和企业提供网状供水的问题受到严重关注。已经出台了许多政策措施,鼓励居民安装雨水箱,以提高灾后恢复力。然而,很少有人关注与这些用品的消费有关的潜在健康危害。为了评估在紧急情况下对住户的健康危害,在惠灵顿地区的物业中安装了六个200升应急水箱,其中五个水箱被允许填充屋顶收集的雨水,一个水箱被填充市政自来水作为对照。这种水箱主要放在水的旁边,一旦装满,其水位和补给便会受到限制。每两周从这些水箱中采样一年,并对样品的大肠杆菌,pH,电导率,一系列主要和微量元素以及有机化合物进行分析,从而能够评估储水箱中水化学的演变随着时间的推移。关键发现是,在雨水喂食的水箱中,大肠杆菌的总检出率为17.7%,与其他研究相比较低。我们建议低的发生率可能是由于罐中高浓度的锌引起的杀菌作用所致,这是由于未上漆的镀锌钢屋顶覆层引起的。与其他研究相比,铅的浓度较高,有69%的雨水储罐样品超过了世界卫生组织基于健康的0.01 mg / L准则。需要进一步的工作来确定在紧急情况下短期饮用这种水的风险。



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