首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology >Materialized View Selection Approach Using Tree Based Methodology

Materialized View Selection Approach Using Tree Based Methodology




In large databases particularly in distributed database, query response time plays an important role as timely access to information and it is the basic requirement of successful business application. A data warehouse uses multiple materialized views to efficiently process a given set of queries. Quick response time and accuracy are important factors in the success of any database. The materialization of all views is not possible because of the space constraint and maintenance cost constraint. Selection of Materialized views is one of the most important decisions in designing a data warehouse for optimal efficiency. Selecting a suitable set of views that minimizes the total cost associated with the materialized views and is the key component in data warehousing. Materialized views are found to be very useful for fast query processing. This paper gives the results of proposed tree based materialized view selection algorithm for query processing. In distributed environment where database is distributed over the nodes on which query should get executed and also plays an important role. This paper also proposes node selection algorithm for fast materialized view selection in distributed environment. And finally it is found that the proposed methodology performs better for query processing as compared to other materialized view selection strategies.



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