
Evaluation of MPSoC Operating Systems




The development of Multi-Processors Systems on Chip (MPSoC) has increased recently due to their high processing speed and low-power consumption. Software implementation of these systems rely on parallel computing, a different programming paradigm which has not been fully adopted by most of the developers. Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) is one of the most important pieces in an embedded system. Unfortunately, some RTOSs have been mostly released for single processor embedded systems and there are just a few research-purposes multiprocessor operating systems. This paper explores some alternatives reported in the literature to the implementation of MPSoC operating systems. One of the most promising commercial MPSoC RTOS called FreeRTOS xcore is introduced and described. The characteristics of this MPSoC RTOS are contrasted with those of some other available RTOSs, concluding that FreeRTOS xcore is a suitable operating system for mid-range multiprocessor systems, where easy and fast implementation is a crucial constraint.
机译:由于多处理器片上系统(MPSoC)的高处理速度和低功耗,它们的开发最近得到了发展。这些系统的软件实现依赖于并行计算,这是大多数开发人员尚未完全采用的不同编程范例。实时操作系统(RTOS)是嵌入式系统中最重要的部分之一。不幸的是,一些RTOS大多是为单处理器嵌入式系统发布的,并且仅有少数几个研究目的的多处理器操作系统。本文探讨了文献中报告的一些替代方案,以实现MPSoC操作系统。介绍并描述了最有前途的商用MPSoC RTOS之一,称为FreeRTOS xcore。该MPSoC RTOS的特性与其他一些可用RTOS的特性形成鲜明对比,认为FreeRTOS xcore是适用于中档多处理器系统的合适操作系统,在该系统中,轻松,快速地实现是至关重要的约束。



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