首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Electrochemical Science >Electrical Double Layer in Imidazolium Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquids and Its Influence on the Surface Morphology of Aluminium Deposits

Electrical Double Layer in Imidazolium Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquids and Its Influence on the Surface Morphology of Aluminium Deposits




The traditional electrolytic process in aluminium industry suffers from many inherent problems, whichare mainly owing to the natural drawbacks of electrolytes. The development of ionic liquid provides apromising approach for low-temperature aluminium electrodeposition. Although extensive researchhas been reported, the relationship between ionic liquidsstructure and electrodeposition process isstill little understood. To investigate this fundamental issue, some typical imidazolium chloroaluminateionic liquids were synthesized and investigated as electrolytes in this work. Experimental results showthat the structure of cation has significant effect on surface morphology of aluminium deposits. Thisfact results from the different structure of electrical double layer at electrode interface. Based ontheoretical calculations, it first found that aluminium is harder to be electrodeposited and the averagegrain size of deposits becomes larger with increasing cation-anion interaction energy. In such case.



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