首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Electrochemical Science >The Inhibitive Effect of Carbon Containing Corrosion Products Inside Corrosion Pits on the Repassivation of Carbon Steels

The Inhibitive Effect of Carbon Containing Corrosion Products Inside Corrosion Pits on the Repassivation of Carbon Steels




The effect of carbon containing corrosion products within corrosion pits on the repassivation of pitshas been studied on 20# and 45# carbon steels in sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide / nitrate itrite solutions. Anodic polarisation tests have been carried out in an attempt to cause pittingcorrosion and then measure the repassivation potential. The presence of corrosion products within pitshas been demonstrated via EDX. Pits in 0.1 M NaNO2 solutions with different concentrations of NaCl(20 mM, 40 mM, 0.1 M and 0.2 M) have been found to repassivate at different potentials. Therepassivation potential of 45# carbon steel is lower than that of 20# when carbon containing corrosionproducts are detected within corrosion pits, but the difference is negligible when the products are notdetected. The presence and absence of carbon containing corrosion products is found to depend on theconcentration of chloride. The difference on the repassivation potentials has been ascribed to theinhibitive effect of corrosion products on metal ion diffusion, which may maintain aggressive solutionwithin pits and inhibit repassivation at a low dissolution rate. It has also been found that pits cannotrepassivate in NaOH and NaCl solutions, while pitting corrosion cannot take place in NaNO3 and NaClsolutions.
机译:在20#和45#碳钢在氯化钠和氢氧化钠/硝酸盐/亚硝酸盐溶液中,研究了腐蚀坑内含碳腐蚀产物对腐蚀坑再钝化的影响。进行了阳极极化测试,试图引起点蚀,然后测量再钝化电势。通过EDX证明了在油井中腐蚀产物的存在。已发现在0.1 M NaNO2溶液中具有不同浓度的NaCl(20 mM,40 mM,0.1 M和0.2 M)的坑会在不同电位重新钝化。当在腐蚀坑内检测到含碳腐蚀产物时,45#碳钢的钝化电位低于20#,但是当未检测到产物时,其钝化电位可以忽略不计。发现含碳腐蚀产物的存在与否取决于氯化物的浓度。重钝化电位的差异归因于腐蚀产物对金属离子扩散的抑制作用,腐蚀产物可能会在凹坑内保持侵蚀性溶液并以低溶解速率抑制重钝化。还发现在NaOH和NaCl溶液中,点蚀不会再钝化,而在NaNO3和NaCl溶液中,点蚀不会发生。



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