首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Electrochemical Science >Galvanic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Before and After Repairs with Selective Use of 304 Stainless Steel

Galvanic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Before and After Repairs with Selective Use of 304 Stainless Steel




The galvanic couple effect decreases a few weeks after performing local repairs, nonetheless, there isfew information on the effect the anodic/cathodic area (aA/aC) ratio has on the magnitude of thegalvanic couple. The selective use of stainless steel represents an alternative to repair concretestructures, but it remains understudied, particularly in tropical marine environments of the Gulf ofMexico. In this paper, the influence of the anodic/cathodic area ratio on the galvanic behavior, beforeand after local repairs, conducted on small beams made of low-quality concrete and 304 stainless steel(SS) bars is analyzed and discussed. Some of the results from this experiment indicate that an aA/aCratio of more than five causes a significant decrease in the galvanic couple of the adjacent areas.
机译:进行局部修复后几周,电偶效应减弱,但是,关于阳极/阴极面积比(aA / aC)对电偶量级的影响的信息很少。选择性使用不锈钢是修复混凝土结构的替代方法,但仍未得到充分研究,特别是在墨西哥湾的热带海洋环境中。本文分析和讨论了阳极/阴极面积比对低质量混凝土和304不锈钢(SS)棒制成的小梁进行局部修复前后的电流行为的影响。该实验的一些结果表明,大于5的aA / aCratio会导致相邻区域的电流偶数显着降低。



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