首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Doctoral Studies >Does Family Matter? A Phenomenological Inquiry Exploring the Lived Experiences of Women Persisting in Distance Education, Professional Doctoral Programs

Does Family Matter? A Phenomenological Inquiry Exploring the Lived Experiences of Women Persisting in Distance Education, Professional Doctoral Programs




Aim/Purpose: The qualitative study aims to examine the lived experiences of women persisting in the distance; professional doctoral degrees as they seek to integrate and balance their family of origin and current family system with their development as scholars. Background: A vital reason many women choose not to drop out of their doctoral programs is that they experience conflict between their identities as women and scholars – a conflict between “the enduring sense of who they are and whom they want to become” (Cobb, 2004, p. 336). A supportive family is a salient theme that arises in studies on doctoral persistence, with many researchers noting that the family is essential in helping women navigate the doctoral journey (e.g., Lott, Gardner, & Powers, 2009; Tinto, 1993). Methodology: This qualitative study employed Moustakas’ (1994) transcendental phenomenological approach through a purposive sampling of eleven women who are enrolled in distance education, professional doctoral programs at two universities in the southern United States. Contribution: This study furthers the existing research by demonstrating that family is intimately tied to the scholarly identity development and persistence of women enrolled in distance education, professional doctorate programs. While previous research has shown that family support is a factor promoting doctoral persistence, previous studies have not examined how women integrate and balance their family of origin and current family system with their development as scholars while persisting in a doctoral degree. Findings: Findings highlighted that the doctoral journey is marked by personal fulfillment and struggle. Women’s development and persistence are influenced by familial support, choosing to continue or discontinue family of origin patterns, and differentiation from the family. Recommendations for Practitioners: To support women’s persistence and scholar identity development, the university can facilitate discussions and provide opportunities that explicitly orient families to the rigors of doctoral training. The university can host family webinars, create family orientations, offer family counseling, and develop family social media groups. Recommendation for Researchers: This study is an essential step toward understanding the role of the family in the doctoral persistence of women. The study provides a foundation for further research with women who are divorced, never married, or identify as LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual). Further study should focus on women enrolled in various disciplines and residential programs. Impact on Society: If women are to succeed in doctoral programs, the academic institution cannot ignore the role of the family in persistence. Future Research: The role of the family in doctoral persistence for men and residential students needs to be explored. Experience of women in distance education and residential programs should be compared to highlight differences and similarities.
机译:目的/目的:定性研究旨在研究女性在远距离坚持的生活经历;他们寻求融合和平衡其原籍家庭和当前家庭制度以及他们作为学者的发展而获得的专业博士学位。背景:许多女性选择不退出博士课程的一个重要原因是,她们在女性身份和学者身份之间经历了冲突–在“对自己是谁以及他们想成为谁的持久观念”之间发生冲突(Cobb, 2004,第336页)。支持性家庭是博士期坚持性研究中出现的一个突出主题,许多研究人员指出,家庭对于帮助妇女渡过博士期至关重要(例如,Lott,Gardner,&Powers,2009; Tinto,1993)。方法论:这项定性研究采用了Moustakas(1994)的先验现象学方法,从美国南部两所大学就读的11名远程教育专业博士课​​程的女性中,有针对性地进行了抽样研究。贡献:本研究通过证明家庭与远程教育,专业博士学位课程中注册的女性的学术身份发展和执着紧密相关,从而进一步促进了现有研究。尽管先前的研究表明,家庭支持是促进博士生毅力的一个因素,但先前的研究并未研究妇女如何在保持博士学位的同时如何融合和平衡其原籍家庭和当前的家庭制度以及她们作为学者的发展。调查结果:调查结果突出表明,博士旅行以个人成就感和奋斗为标志。妇女的成长和毅力受到家庭支持,选择继续或终止原籍家庭模式以及与家庭的分化的影响。给从业者的建议:为了支持妇女的坚持不懈和学者身份的发展,大学可以促进讨论并提供机会,使家庭明确适应严格的博士培训。该大学可以举办家庭网络研讨会,创建家庭定向,提供家庭咨询以及发展家庭社交媒体团体。给研究人员的建议:这项研究是了解家庭在妇女的博士期坚持中的作用的重要步骤。该研究为离婚,从未结婚或被认定为LGBTQIA(女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,变性者,同性恋/询问,双性恋和无性恋)的妇女提供了进一步研究的基础。进一步的研究应集中于参加各种学科和住宿计划的妇女。对社会的影响:如果妇女要在博士课程上取得成功,那么学术机构就不能忽视家庭在坚持不懈中​​的作用。未来研究:需要探讨家庭在男性和在校学生的博士生坚持中的作用。应该比较妇女在远程教育和住宿计划方面的经验,以突出差异和相似之处。



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