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Improving Quality of Service of Femto Cell Using Optimum Location Identification




To enhance the throughput and Quality of Service (QoS) of indoor users, Femto cells became the best solution. The placement of a femtocell is always a challenging task due to its interference constraints with other cells. If the base stations has limited number of Femto-cells, then there is need to focus much on interference constraints. In the dense countries like India, there is a need to install more number of Femto-cells to get the proper throughput. But, the limiting factor here is frequency and interference management. This paper explained the interference management issues and hand over issues. This paper proposed method of optimal placement of Femto cell to increase the QoS in dense environment where macro-cell holds many number of Femto cells. This solution made an assumption that the interference effect was considerably strong when compared to Noise. Hence, we have not considered Noise parameter in the analysis. It was shown that the optimal placement has better throughput when compared to blind placement. Two cases were considered as blind placements and their throughput was analyzed with respect to optimal placement. The proposed method was tested in both single and multi-room buildings. Finally, it was observed that the gain of 50% was increased with respect to large buildings with many rooms. Reference [1]M. Kobayashi, S. Haruyama, R. Kohno, and M. Nakagawa, "Optimal access point placement in simultaneous broadcast system using OFDM for indoor wireless LAN," in 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. [2]V. Chandrasekhar and J. Andrews, "Spectrum allocation in tiered cellular networks," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 57, pp. 3059–3068, Oct. 2009. [3]D. Stamatelos and A. Ephremides, "Spectral efficiency and optimal base placement for indoor wireless networks," IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun.,vol. 14, May 1996. [4]Y. Hou and D. I. Laurenson, "Energy efficiency of high QoS heterogeneous wireless communication network," in 2010 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference – Fall. [5]3GPP, "TR36.814 V9.0.0: further advancements for E-UTRA physical layer aspects (Release 9)," 3GPP, Technical Report, Mar. 2010. [6]Dr Seetaiah Kilaru, Y Ashwini Prasad, K Sai kiran, N V Sarath Chandra "Design and Analysis of Heterogenious networks" in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 9, Number 17 (2014) pp. 3197-3204. [7]Dr Seetaiah Kilaru "Ability of OFDMA in handling interference of femto cell under random access process" in Journal of Engineering science and technology review (JESTR), ISSN 1791-2377. [8]Shih-Jung Wu, "A New Handover Strategy between Femtocell and Macrocell for LTE-Based Network," Ubi-Media Computing (U-Media), 2011 4th International Conference on, vol., no., pp.203,208, 3-4 July 2011 doi: 10.1109/U-MEDIA.2011.58. [9]Khalifah, A.; Akkari, N.; Aldabbagh, G. "Dense areas femtocell deployment: Access types and challenges", e-Technologies and Networks for Development (ICeND), 2014 Third International Conference on, On page(s): 64 – 69. [10]Amirrudin, N.A.; Ariffin, S.H.S.; Malik, N.N.N.A.; Ghazali, N.E. "User's mobility history-based mobility prediction in LTE femtocells network", RF and Microwave Conference (RFM), 2013 IEEE International, On page(s): 105 – 110. [11]Jae-Wook Lee; Sang-Jo Yoo "Probabilistic handover decision for femtocell network", Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 2014 International Conference on, On page(s): 331 – 334. [12]Fengming Cao; Zhong Fan; Sooriyabandara, M.; Farnham, T. "REM-based power control and femtocell self-organization", Telecommunications (ICT), 2013 20th International Conference on,On page(s): 1 – 5. [13]Fengming Cao; Zhong Fan "Downlink Power Control for Femtocell Networks", Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2013 IEEE 77th, On page(s): 1 – 5. [14]Qingzhong Li; Xuemai Gu; Hanqing Li; Min Jia; Weidang Lu "Interference alignment for MIMO downlink femtocell networks", Networks (ICON), 2013 19th IEEE International Conference on, On page(s): 1 – 4. [15]K Farkas, A Huszák, G Gódor, Optimization of Wi-Fi access point placement for indoor localization. IEEE 6th Symp. On Wireless Personal Multimedia Com. Conference 1, 28–33 (2013). [16]JM Ruiz-Aviles, S Luna-Ramirez, M Toril, F Ruiz, I de laBandera Cascales, P Mu?oz, R Barco, P Lazaro, V Buenestado, Design of a computationally efficient dynamic system-level simulator for enterprise LTE femtocell scenarios. J. Electrical Comput. Eng. 2012(1), 14 (2012). [17]MA Abd Rahman, M Dashti, J Zhang, in International Conference on Localization and GNSS. Localization of unknown indoor wireless transmitter, (2013), pp. 1–6. [18]S Wang, W Guo, T O'Farrell, in IEEE 76th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC). Optimising femtocell placement in an interference limited network: theory and simulation, (2012), pp. 1–6. [19]L Pujji, K Sowerby, M Neve, Development of a hybrid algorithm for efficient optimisation of base station plac
机译:为了提高室内用户的吞吐量和服务质量(QoS),毫微微小区成为了最佳解决方案。由于其与其他小区的干扰限制,毫微微小区的放置始终是一项艰巨的任务。如果基站的毫微微小区数量有限,则需要将重点放在干扰约束上。在印度这样的人口稠密的国家,需要安装更多的毫微微小区才能获得适当的吞吐量。但是,这里的限制因素是频率和干扰管理。本文介绍了干扰管理问题和移交问题。提出了一种在宏小区拥有大量毫微微小区的密集环境中,优化毫微微小区位置的方法,以提高QoS。该解决方案假设与噪声相比,干扰效果相当强。因此,我们在分析中没有考虑噪声参数。结果表明,与盲孔布置相比,最佳布置具有更好的产量。有两个案例被认为是盲目布局,并针对最佳布局分析了它们的吞吐量。所提出的方法在单室和多室建筑物中均经过测试。最后,观察到,相对于具有许多房间的大型建筑物,其增益增加了50%。参考文献[1] M。 Kobayashi,S。Haruyama,R。Kohno和M. Nakagawa在2000年IEEE个人,室内和移动无线电通信国际研讨会上发表的论文“在使用OFDM的同时广播系统中为室内无线LAN进行最佳​​接入点放置”。 [2] V。 Chandrasekhar和J. Andrews,“分层蜂窝网络中的频谱分配”,IEEE Trans。社区,卷。 57,第3059-3068页,2009年10月。[3] D。 Stamatelos和A. Ephremides,“室内无线网络的频谱效率和最佳基站位置”,IEEE J. Sel。地区公报,卷。 1996年5月14日。[4]是。 Hou和D. I. Laurenson,“高QoS异构无线通信网络的能源效率”,在2010年IEEE车辆技术会议上。 [5] 3GPP,“ TR36.814 V9.0.0:E-UTRA物理层方面的进一步发展(版本9)”,3GPP,技术报告,2010年3月。[6] Seetaiah Kilaru博士,Y Ashwini Prasad,K Sai kiran,NV Sarath Chandra,“异构网络的设计和分析”,国际应用工程研究杂志(IJAER),ISSN 0973-4562第9卷,第17期(2014),第3197-3204页。 [7] Seetaiah Kilaru博士,《工程与科学评论》(JESTR),ISSN 1791-2377中的“ OFDMA处理随机接入过程中的毫微微小区干扰的能力”。 [8]吴世荣,“基于LTE的网络的Femtocell和Macrocell之间的新切换策略”,Ubi-Media Computing(U-Media),2011年第4届国际会议,第,第203,208页, 2011年7月3-4日,doi:10.1109 / U-MEDIA.2011.58。 [9] Khalifah,A .; N.阿卡里; Aldabbagh,G。“密集地区的Femtocell部署:接入类型和挑战”,电子技术和网络促进发展(ICeND),2014年,第三届国际会议,第64-69页。[10] Amirrudin,NA。 S.H.S. Ariffin;马里克,N.N.N.A .;新罕布什尔州加扎利[11] Jae-Wook Lee;“ LTE毫微微小区网络中基于用户移动历史的移动性预测”,RF和微波会议(RFM),2013 IEEE International,第105页至第110页。 Yoo Sang-Joo,“毫微微小区网络的概率切换决策”,信息与通信技术融合(ICTC),2014年国际会议,第331至334页。[12]曹凤鸣;钟凡M. Sooriyabandara; Farnham,T.“基于REM的功率控制和毫微微小区的自组织”,电信(ICT),2013年第20届国际会议,第1至5页。[13]曹凤鸣;钟凡,“ Femtocell网络的下行链路功率控制”,车辆技术会议(VTC春季),2013 IEEE 77th,第1至5页。[14]李庆中;顾学迈李汉清;敏佳陆卫当,“ MIMO下行毫微微小区网络的干扰对准”,网络(ICON),2013年第19届IEEE国际会议,第1至4页。[15] K Farkas,AHuszák,GGódor,Wi-Fi优化Fi接入点放置,用于室内定位。 IEEE第六届Symp。在无线个人多媒体Com上。会议1,28-33(2013)。 [16] JM Ruiz-Aviles,S Luna-Ramirez,M Toril,F Ruiz,I de laBandera Cascales,P Mu?oz,R Barco,P Lazaro,V Buenestado,为企业设计了高效计算的动态系统级模拟器LTE毫微微小区方案。 J.电气计算。 。 2012(1),14(2012)。 [17] MA Abd Rahman,M Dashti和J J,在国际本地化和GNSS会议上。未知室内无线发射机的本地化,(2013年),第1-6页。 [18] S Wang,Wang W,T O'Farrell,在IEEE第76届汽车技术会议(VTC)中。在干扰受限的网络中优化毫微微小区的位置:理论与仿真,(2012年),第1-6页。 [19] L Pujji,K Sowerby,M Neve,开发用于高效优化基站plac的混合算法



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