首页> 外文期刊>International journal of computer science and network security >Secure and Efficient Protocol for Transmission of Multi Digital Documents Using Blind Signcryption

Secure and Efficient Protocol for Transmission of Multi Digital Documents Using Blind Signcryption




recently, the implementation of blind signcryption has become essential in various application such as (e- voting process, e- payment system, digital content safety policies, credential-based access mechanism and e-bidding). Blind signcryption enables the signer to generate the signcrypted text blindly without revealing the original contents of a message. All the existing blind signcryption schemes are based on bilinear pairing, RSA and elliptic curve cryptography which suffer from high computational power and communication overhead. The implementation of blind signcryption in our scheme using HECC covers the gape of high cost due to shorter key size (public key, private key, certificate and signature) in key processing and exchange. The proposed scheme meets all the security requirement of blind signcryption with additional properties like public verifiability, forward secrecy and provides resistance against replay attack. Similarly, secure communication of multiple digital documents requires multiple signatures, thus signing each digital document is over burdening the system resources. In our scheme signing multiple digital documents simultaneously with single signature decreases the bandwidth and processing cost. Further, we validate our proposed scheme security services through well-known security validation tool AVISPA.



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