首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Computer Science and Security >The Royal Split Paradigm: Real-Time Data Fragmentation and Distributed Networks for Data Loss Prevention

The Royal Split Paradigm: Real-Time Data Fragmentation and Distributed Networks for Data Loss Prevention




With data encryption, access control, and monitoring technology, high profile data breaches still occur. To address this issue, this work focused on securing data at rest and data in motion by utilizing current distributed network technology in conjunction with a data fragmenting and defragmenting algorithm. Software prototyping was used to exhaustively test this new paradigm within the confines of the Defense Technology Experimental Research (DETER) virtual testbed. The virtual testbed was used to control all aspects within the testing network including: node population, topology, file size, and number of fragments. In each topology, and for each population size, different sized files were fragmented, distributed to nodes on the network, recovered, and defragmented. All of these tests were recorded and documented. The results produced by this prototype showed, with the max wait time removed, an average wait time of .0287 s/fragment and by increasing the number of fragments, N, the complexity, X, would increase as demonstrated in the formula: X = (.00287N!).
机译:使用数据加密,访问控制和监视技术,仍然会发生高规格数据泄露事件。为了解决这个问题,这项工作的重点是通过利用当前的分布式网络技术以及数据碎片整理和碎片整理算法来保护静态数据和动态数据。在防御技术实验研究(DETER)虚拟测试平台的范围内,软件原型被用来详尽地测试这一新范例。虚拟测试台用于控制测试网络中的所有方面,包括:节点数量,拓扑,文件大小和片段数。在每种拓扑中,对于每种人口大小,都将不同大小的文件分段,分发到网络上的节点,进行恢复和碎片整理。所有这些测试均已记录并记录在案。该原型产生的结果表明,在去除最大等待时间的情况下,平均等待时间为.0287 s /片段,并且通过增加片段数N,复杂度X会增加,如公式所示:X = (.00287N!)。



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