首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology >On-Time Flight Departure Prediction System Using Naive Bayes Classification Method (Case Study: XYZ Airline)

On-Time Flight Departure Prediction System Using Naive Bayes Classification Method (Case Study: XYZ Airline)




On Time Performance (OTP) is an important aspect for flight service user and provider. OTP is one of factors that affect positive or negative assessment of flight service. But sometimes, there are some obstacles happened that require the airlines to experience delay. Lack of information about delay prediction causes the airlines could not prepare the solution to avoid the delay problem. To overcome the problem, it requires a departure on time prediction system. In this research, the writer tries to apply Naive Baye Classification to create on time prediction system that can be used by the airlines to prepare more for the possibilities that can be happened in the future.
机译:准时绩效(OTP)是飞行服务用户和提供商的重要方面。 OTP是影响对飞行服务的正面或负面评估的因素之一。但有时,发生了一些障碍,要求航空公司经历延误。缺少有关延误预测的信息会导致航空公司无法准备解决方案来避免延误问题。为了克服该问题,它需要准时离开预测系统。在这项研究中,作者试图应用朴素贝叶斯分类法来创建准时预测系统,航空公司可以使用该系统来为未来可能发生的可能性做更多准备。



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