首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >Derivation and validation of a formula for paediatric tracheal tube size using bootstrap resampling procedure

Derivation and validation of a formula for paediatric tracheal tube size using bootstrap resampling procedure




Background and Aims: The accuracy of age-, length- and weight-based formulae to predict optimal size of uncuffed tracheal tubes (TTs) in children varies widely. We determined the accuracy of age, length and weight in predicting the size of TT in Indian children, and derived and validated a formula using the best predictor. Methods: In the derivation phase, 100 children aged 1-8 years undergoing general anaesthesia and tracheal intubation with an uncuffed tube were prospectively studied. The correct size of the TT used was confirmed using the leak test. A bootstrap resampling procedure was used to estimate the accuracy of the predictors (age, weight, or length alone; length and age; length and weight; and length, weight and age). The best predictor was used to derive a formula (Paediatric Tube Size Predictor, PTSP) to calculate the size of TT. The accuracy of PTSP was tested in 150 children of the same age group in the validation phase. Results: Length (L (in meters), Rsup2/sup = 0.61) was the best single predictor of the size of TT and was used to derive the PTSP as internal diameter = 3L + 2.5. In the validation phase, the PTSP predicted the size of TT correctly in 75% of children. Re-intubation was associated with a higher incidence of respiratory morbidity than one-time tracheal intubation. Conclusion: Length of the child predicts the size of an uncuffed TT better than age and weight. The PTSP formula based on length correctly predicts the size of uncuffed TT in 75% of children.
机译:背景和目的:基于年龄,基于长度和基于体重的公式预测儿童无气管气管(TT)最佳尺寸的准确性差异很大。我们确定了预测印度儿童TT大小的年龄,身长和体重的准确性,并使用最佳预测因子推导并验证了公式。方法:在推导阶段,前瞻性研究了100名1-8岁的儿童,他们接受了全麻和无套管气管插管。通过泄漏测试确认了所用TT的正确尺寸。自举重采样程序用于估计预测变量的准确性(年龄,体重或身长;身长和年龄;身长和体重;以及身长,体重和年龄)。最佳预测变量用于推导公式(小儿管径预测变量,PTSP)以计算TT的大小。在验证阶段,对150名同年龄段的儿童测试了PTSP的准确性。结果:长度(L(以米为单位),R 2 = 0.61)是TT尺寸的最佳单一预测指标,并用于得出PTSP,其内径= 3L + 2.5。在验证阶段,PTSP正确预测了75%的儿童的TT大小。与一次气管插管相比,再次插管与呼吸系统疾病的发生率更高。结论:儿童的身高预示着未充气的TT的尺寸优于年龄和体重。基于长度的PTSP公式可以正确预测75%的儿童的无袖TT尺寸。



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