首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >A randomised controlled comparison of video versus instructor-based compression only life support training

A randomised controlled comparison of video versus instructor-based compression only life support training




Background and Aims: Sudden cardiac deaths remain a major health problem worldwide. Most of these cases generally involve out of hospital cardiac arrest, making the role of bystander resuscitation very crucial. In the developing countries, illiteracy and scarcity of health professionals is a great barrier to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training. Video-based CPR training can offer an easily accessible modality in these situations. Hence, this study was conducted with an aim to assess the efficacy of video-based training in comparison to the traditional instructor-based CPR training in layman. Methods: This prospective cross-over observational study included 109 undergraduate university students attending voluntary resuscitation training and were randomly divided into two groups of video-based demonstration (VBD) and instructor-based demonstration (IBD) of compression only life support (COLS). They were then assessed for psychomotor skill development (Laerdal Simpad Plus Q-CPR) and perception about the quality of training methodology as primary and secondary objectives, respectively. Results: Population characteristics were similar in both the groups. In the VBD, scene safety was performed by 95.2% and call for help by 97.6%, and by 76.1% each in the IBD group (P 0.05). Response to compression time (RCT) was significantly shorter in VBD (35 ± 9 sec) as compared to IBD (54 ± 14 sec) (P 0.001). However, the proportion of participants performing response check, correct site identification, and other parameters were comparable. Conclusion: Video-based COLS training significantly decreased the RCT by 35% compared to traditional instructor-based training. However, other features of high-quality CPR remain comparable.
机译:背景与目的:心脏猝死仍然是世界范围内的主要健康问题。这些病例中的大多数通常涉及院外心脏骤停,这使得旁观者复苏的作用非常关键。在发展中国家,文盲和卫生专业人员的匮乏是心肺复苏(CPR)培训的一大障碍。在这些情况下,基于视频的CPR培训可以提供一种易于访问的方式。因此,本研究旨在评估与基于外行的传统基于讲师的CPR培训相比,基于视频的培训的效果。方法:这项前瞻性交叉观察性研究包括109名接受自愿复苏培训的大学生,并随机分为两组,分别为基于视频的演示(VBD)和基于教练的演示(IBD)的仅加压生命支持(COLS)。然后评估他们的心理运动技能发展水平(Laerdal Simpad Plus Q-CPR)和对培训方法质量的认识,并将其作为主要目标和次要目标。结果:两组的人口特征相似。在VBD中,现场安全性的执行率为95.2%,求助者为97.6%,IBD组的为76.1%(P <0.05)。与IBD(54±14秒)相比,VBD(35±9秒)对压缩时间(RCT)的响应明显缩短(P <0.001)。但是,执行响应检查,正确的站点标识和其他参数的参与者比例是可比的。结论:与传统的基于讲师的培训相比,基于视频的COLS培训将RCT显着降低了35%。但是,高质量CPR的其他功能仍然具有可比性。



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