首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine >Ayurvedic Drugs in the Management of Hirsutism (Avanchita Roma) – A Review

Ayurvedic Drugs in the Management of Hirsutism (Avanchita Roma) – A Review

机译:阿育吠陀药物治疗多毛症(Avanchita Roma)–评论



Beauty enhances the self confidence of an individual. Hirsutism is a condition of abnormal growth of hair on any part of the body irrespective of gender. The rejection due to the stigma in the society causes psychology distress in an individual especially women. Around 5 to 10% of women are more prone to such social difficulties. The reason for Hirsutism might be Genetic or unhealthy lifestyle which triggers the pathogenesis. It can be a condition of unknown origin or a secondary one to an underlying illness. Now a day’s many depilation techniques are available like plucking, threading, shaving, waxing, electrolysis, laser therapy etc. These hair removal procedures cause complications like skin lesions, minor burns, scarring, inflammation, etc. Some methods are highly expensive for a common man to afford. Keeping this in view a critical compilation has been carried out to trace out the ancient depilation formulations mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics with special reference to Bruhatreyi (3 major texts in Ayurveda) & Laghutrayi (3 minor texts in Ayurveda) for the benefit of ailing individuals. Study revealed drugs used are of Oudbhida (Plant), Pardhiva (Mineral) and Jangama (Animal) origin. Classical formulations are easily prepared, economical and effective in treating Hirsutism.



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