首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology >A non-interventional comparative study between medical and dental undergraduates regarding their knowledge, attitude and practice of antibiotic use in a tertiary care teaching rural hospital: emphasis on WHO fact-sheets

A non-interventional comparative study between medical and dental undergraduates regarding their knowledge, attitude and practice of antibiotic use in a tertiary care teaching rural hospital: emphasis on WHO fact-sheets




Background: The threat of antibiotic resistance is rapidly progressing and intensifying. The awareness generation of antibiotic use, its seriousness and significance are the first step towards restricting its progress. It is in this regards that this comparative questionnaire-based study was conducted. Methods: The knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) among medical and dental students of a tertiary care teaching rural hospital was assessed. Before initiating the study, their written consent was taken, and 125 structured questionnaires were distributed to medical and dental students. Data collected was further entered in Microsoft excel sheet and further comparison of KAP between them was analysed. Results: The results were depicted in percentage. Regarding the indiscriminate and injudicious use of antibiotics can lead to prolongation of illness, the medical students were more aware 82.4% compared to the dental 65.6%. When asked about additional burden of medical cost to the patient, the medical students responded with yes 88.8% and dental student’s response of yes was 47.22%. Also, medical 90.4% students had heard about antibiotic resistance and 60.8% from dental students, which implies that UG students should be made more aware of antibiotic resistance and its consequences. Conclusions: Thus, the results of the study give useful information about the knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical and dental students, that can be further utilized to plan suitable educational interventions that target at improving the knowledge for prescribing antimicrobial medicines. This can further help in minimizing the development of bacterial resistance.
机译:背景:抗生素耐药性的威胁正在迅速发展并加剧。认识到抗生素的使用及其重要性和重要性是限制其进展的第一步。正是在这一方面,进行了这种基于调查表的比较研究。方法:对三级教学农村医院的医学和牙科学生的知识,态度和实践进行了评估。在开始研究之前,已征得他们的书面同意,并向医学和牙科学生分发了125份结构化问卷。将收集的数据进一步输入到Microsoft Excel工作表中,并分析它们之间的KAP进一步比较。结果:结果以百分比表示。关于滥用和不合理使用抗生素会导致疾病延长的情况,医学生比牙科医生的65.6%知道的多82.4%。当被问及给患者增加医疗费用的负担时,医科学生的回答为88.8%,牙科学生的回答为47.22%。另外,医学专业的90.4%的学生听说过抗生素耐药性,牙科专业的学生占60.8%,这意味着UG学生应该更加了解抗生素耐药性及其后果。结论:因此,研究结果提供了有关医学和牙科学生的知识,态度和做法的有用信息,这些信息可进一步用于规划旨在改善抗菌药物处方知识的合适的教育干预措施。这可以进一步帮助最小化细菌抗性的发展。



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