首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances >Hospital Records (2006-2013) of Dogbite Cases and Laboratory Confirmation of Dog Rabies in Niger State, Nigeria

Hospital Records (2006-2013) of Dogbite Cases and Laboratory Confirmation of Dog Rabies in Niger State, Nigeria




The hospital records of dog bite cases reported to the government hospitals across Niger State between January, 2006 and July, 2013 were investigated. Additionally, records of animal samples submitted to the National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI), Vom-Nigeria for confirmatory rabies diagnosis during same period were investigated. Data on dog bite victims including year/month of bite, sex of victims, age and sites of bite were retrieved and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results indicated that a total of 223 cases were recorded with the highest number (40 cases) recorded in 2012 and the least (10 cases) recorded in 2013. Higher proportions of victims (66.8%) were males and 46.2% of victims were children below the age of 15 years. Majority (81.3%) of bite was inflicted on the legs and then to some extent (14.3%) on the hands. A total of 1976 animal samples were submitted to NVRI, Vom for rabies diagnosis during the reporting period with 55.6% being confirmed positive but none was submitted from Niger State. Considering that over 81% of bite sites occurred on the legs, it suggests a possible prolong incubation period of rabies in victims. This may enhance misdiagnosis of rabies due to none or poor follow up of dog bite victims in our society. Similarly, non-submission of animal samples to NVRI, Vom from Niger State for rabies diagnosis suggest non-surveillance of rabies in the state. Enhanced surveillance of animal and human rabies in the state and Nigeria at large is highly recommended.
机译:调查了2006年1月至2013年7月间报告给尼日尔州政府医院的狗咬伤病例的医院记录。此外,还调查了提交给国家兽医研究所(VV-Nigeria)进行同期狂犬病确诊的动物样本记录。使用描述性统计数据检索和分析有关狗咬伤受害者的数据,包括咬伤的年/月,受害者的性别,年龄和咬伤地点。结果表明,总共记录了223例病例,其中2012年记录的病例最高(40例),2013年记录的病例最少(10例)。男性中受害人比例较高(66.8%),低于儿童的受害人比例为46.2%。 15岁。大多数(81.3%)的咬伤发生在腿部,然后在某种程度上(14.3%)发生在手上。在本报告所述期间,总共1976份动物样本已提交给NVRI,Vom以进行狂犬病诊断,其中55.6%的样本被确认为阳性,但尼日尔州没有提交。考虑到超过81%的叮咬位点出现在腿上,这表明狂犬病在受害者中的潜伏期可能延长。由于我们社会中没有狗咬伤受害者或对狗咬伤受害者的后续行动较差,这可能会增强对狂犬病的误诊。同样,尼日尔州未将动物样品送至NVRI,Vom进行狂犬病诊断,表明该州没有对狂犬病进行监测。强烈建议在该州和整个尼日利亚加强对动物和人类狂犬病的监视。



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