首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering >Propagation model for 2.4 GHz wireless sensor network in four-year-old young apple orchard

Propagation model for 2.4 GHz wireless sensor network in four-year-old young apple orchard

机译:苹果树园4岁大的2.4 GHz无线传感器网络的传播模型



Abstract: Wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes exchange information via wireless signals, whose power can attenuate at different levels according to the propagation environment. The branches and leaves of young apple trees are much sparser than that of adult apple trees. Propagation rules such as propagation distance and attenuation rate are the parameters necessary to know before applying a WSN to a young apple orchard. Field tests were performed, and propagation distance and packet loss rate (PLR) were computed and compared under the two cases: a young apple orchard in fruit period and an open space to find the effect of the apple trees on radio propagation. A model of antenna height and propagation distance was created to forecast the extra path loss caused by the young trees. Validation experiments were performed in a different young apple orchard, and the validation results showed that 70% of R2 were higher than 0.7, while the smallest being 0.65; 80% RMSE were smaller than 5. The new model was also compared with some classical models such as Cost 235, FITU, ITU-R, and Weissberger model, and the new model was proved to be the best. Keywords: wireless sensor network (WSN), propagation model, packet loss rate, 2.4 GHz, young apple orchard DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20140706.007 Citation: Guo X M, Zhao C J. Propagation model for 2.4 GHz wireless sensor network in four-year-old young apple orchard. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2014; 7(6): 47-53.
机译:摘要:无线传感器网络(WSN)节点通过无线信号交换信息,其功率会根据传播环境而不同程度地衰减。年轻的苹果树的树枝和叶子比成年的苹果树稀疏。传播规则(例如传播距离和衰减率)是在将WSN应用于苹果幼果园之前必须知道的参数。进行了现场测试,并计算了两种情况下的传播距离和丢包率(PLR)并进行了比较:这两种情况是:果实期的年轻苹果园和开放空间,以了解苹果树对无线电传播的影响。创建了天线高度和传播距离模型,以预测由幼树引起的额外路径损耗。在不同的苹果幼果园中进行了验证实验,验证结果表明R2的70%高于0.7,最小的为0.65; 80%的RMSE小于5。还将该新模型与一些经典模型(例如Cost 235,FITU,ITU-R和Weissberger模型)进行了比较,事实证明新模型是最好的。关键字:无线传感器网络(WSN),传播模型,丢包率,2.4 GHz,苹果园DOI:10.3965 / j.ijabe.20140706.007引文:郭新明,赵长健。2.4GHz无线传感器网络在四个方面的传播模型岁的苹果园。农业与生物工程学杂志,2014; 7(6):47-53。



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