首页> 外文期刊>International electronic journal of health education >HIV-Related Knowledge and Attitudes among First Year Medical Students in Mumbai, India

HIV-Related Knowledge and Attitudes among First Year Medical Students in Mumbai, India




Background: The total number of people with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection in India is estimated to be 10% of all global cases. People living with HIV in India often experience discrimination while receiving health care due to inadequate knowledge and fear among health care professionals. Data presented in this paper represents the first phase of a six-year study being conducted at a Medical College in Mumbai, India. Information from this phase of the study will be used to demonstrate the need for an HIV-specific training module for the first year medical students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 200 first-year medical students in Mumbai, India to assess knowledge and attitudes as they relate to HIV infection. A self-administered survey was distributed among the medical students at a medical college in Mumbai. The survey sought student responses pertaining to knowledge of HIV risk and transmission, and attitudes towards HIV-infected people. Results: A response rate of 87% was obtained (174 out of 200). Overall, females showed less knowledge pertaining to issues related to human sexuality and HIV transmission when compared to their male peers. Anal intercourse was reported as a risk for HIV transmission by 3 % of females as compared to 20% of males (p0.05). Furthermore, 28 % of females reported no relationship between the risk of contracting HIV and the type of sexual intercourse compared to 3 % of males (p0.05). In general, there were considerable misconceptions regarding the spread and risk of HIV transmission among all medical students. Sixty six percent (66%) of females were comfortable having HIV infected doctors and nurses (co-workers) in clinics and hospitals compared to 36% of males. Forty-four percent (44 %) of the medical students preferred not being friends with HIV infected individuals. Sixty-two (62%) percent of the students favored abstinence only messages for prevention of HIV among teenagers. Discussion: Knowledge regarding risk and routes of HIV transmission was lacking among the medical students. Attitudes of the students toward HIV-infected individuals could be best described as ambivalent. However, female students showed more positive attitude towards HIV infected people than their male peers. Conclusions: Based on our findings we recommend the development and integration of a HIV training module in the first year medical curricula in order to address gaps in knowledge and provide training for the development of positive altitudes and tolerance toward HIV infected people.
机译:背景:印度的艾滋病毒(人类免疫缺陷病毒)感染人数估计占全球所有病例的10%。印度的艾滋病毒感染者由于缺乏专业知识和恐惧,在接受医疗保健时经常会受到歧视。本文提供的数据代表了在印度孟买医学院进行的一项为期六年的研究的第一阶段。该研究阶段的信息将用于证明对医学专业的第一年学生进行HIV专门培训的必要性。方法:在印度孟买的200名一年级医学生中进行了一项横断面研究,以评估他们与HIV感染有关的知识和态度。在孟买一所医学院的医学院学生中进行了一项自我管理的调查。该调查寻求学生对有关艾滋病毒风险和传播知识以及对艾滋病毒感染者的态度的回应。结果:答复率为87%(200名患者中有174名)。总体而言,与男性同龄人相比,女性对与人的性行为和艾滋病毒传播有关的知识了解较少。据报告,肛门交往有3%的女性传播HIV的风险,而男性为20%(p <0.05)。此外,与男性的3%相比,有28%的女性报告感染HIV的风险与性交类型之间没有关系(p <0.05)。总的来说,在所有医学生中,人们对艾滋病毒的传播和传播存在很多误解。百分之六十六(66%)的女性在诊所和医院有被HIV感染的医生和护士(同事),而男性为36%。 44%(44%)的医学生更愿意与HIV感染者不要成为朋友。百分之六十二(62%)的学生赞成仅戒酒的信息,以预防青少年中的HIV。讨论:医科学生缺乏有关HIV传播的风险和途径的知识。最好将学生对受艾滋病毒感染者的态度描述成矛盾的。但是,女学生对艾滋病毒感染者表现出比男同龄人更积极的态度。结论:基于我们的发现,我们建议在第一年的医学课程中开发和整合一个HIV培训模块,以解决知识方面的空白并为发展积极的高度和对HIV感染者的耐受性提供培训。



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