首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Advanced Information Technology >Information Modeling and Knowledge Management Approach to Reconfiguring Manufacturing Enterprises

Information Modeling and Knowledge Management Approach to Reconfiguring Manufacturing Enterprises




This research aims to gain a detailed understanding of data producers, data consumers and format/flow of the data within automotive industry for defining and using Bill of Process (BoP) for engine assembly lines. The focus remained on the real industrial challenge of rapid constraint evaluation for designing and/or reconfiguration of Powertrain assembly lines to cater for a new/changed product. A methodology is developed to facilitate F ord Company to quickly model and re-configure new/changed assembly line for building new/changed engine. This is made possible with the help of modular approach and developing relationships among products, processes and resources. The data and information of the PPR is made available to all the stake holders of the organisation independent of the platform or specific application being used at the department/facility
机译:这项研究旨在深入了解汽车制造行业中的数据生产者,数据使用者以及数据的格式/流,以定义和使用发动机装配线的流程清单(BoP)。重点仍然放在快速约束评估对动力总成装配线的设计和/或重新配置以满足新的/变更产品的实际工业挑战上。开发了一种方法,以帮助福特公司快速建模和重新配置新的/更换的装配线,以构建新的/更换的发动机。借助于模块化方法以及开发产品,过程和资源之间的关系,这成为可能。 PPR的数据和信息可提供给组织的所有利益相关者,而与平台/部门/设施所使用的特定应用程序无关



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