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Intellectual Roots and Socio-Cultural Differences between the Ahmadiyya and Sunni: Tension and Islamic Issues in Indonesia




Ahmadiyya is one of sects of Islam in Indonesia. At the beginning of this school do not matter as the birth of the other sects in Islam. But when the flow began to grow and seriously studied by scholars and Islamic scholars found that the flow is against the teachings of Islam itself. At that moment began a conflict between mainstream Islam, such as Muhammadiyah, NU and forth with the Ahmadis . Fundamental problems that triggered the conflict is that the Ahmadis consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a prophet and messenger. This issue is related to theology and the pillars of faith violated the which has been a guide for Muslims in general. Ahmadiyya remains convinced that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a prophet and they can show the sources they learned well from libraries Christians, Buddhists and Jews. Ahmadiyya is an important issue to understand the death of Jesus the Messiah, Because it is related to the coming of Jesus back problems and beliefs that have come messiah that is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Ahmadiyya explanation of all this is meant to justify that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a prophet and messenger after Muhammad. Keywords: Ahmadiyya, Sunni, Tension and Islamic Issues
机译:Ahmadiyya是印度尼西亚的伊斯兰教派之一。在这所学校成立之初,与伊斯兰教中其他教派的诞生无关紧要。但是,当这种潮流开始增长并受到学者和伊斯兰学者的认真研究时,发现这种潮流违背了伊斯兰教义。在那一刻开始了主流伊斯兰教徒之间的冲突,例如Muhammadiyah,NU和来回的Ahmadis。引发冲突的根本问题是,艾哈迈迪人认为米尔扎·古拉姆·艾哈迈德是先知和使者。这个问题与神学有关,信仰的支柱遭到了破坏,而这一直是穆斯林的普遍指南。 Ahmadiyya仍然坚信Mirza Ghulam Ahmad是一位先知,他们可以展示他们从图书馆的基督徒,佛教徒和犹太人那里学到的资源。艾哈迈迪雅(Ahmadiyya)是了解弥赛亚耶稣之死的重要问题,因为它与耶稣回来带来的问题和信仰有关,这些问题和信仰来自弥赛亚(Mirza Ghulam Ahmad)。艾哈迈迪(Ahmadiyya)对所有这些说法的解释是为了证明米尔扎(Mirza Ghulam Ahmad)是穆罕默德之后的先知和使者。关键字:艾哈迈迪耶,逊尼派,紧张和伊斯兰问题



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