首页> 外文期刊>Information and Knowledge Management >Socio- cultural Factors Influencing Utilization of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Among Women Attending Antenatal Care Clinics in Rachuonyo North Sub- County-Homa-Bay County, Kenya

Socio- cultural Factors Influencing Utilization of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Among Women Attending Antenatal Care Clinics in Rachuonyo North Sub- County-Homa-Bay County, Kenya




Background: Utilization of services is an important determinant for prevention of transmission of HIV from mother to child. This strategy is reinforced by good practices and attitudes. The aim of the current study was to determine the socio-cultural factors influencing compliance with Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV options and therapies initiated in women attending antenatal clinics in North Rachuonyo Sub-county in Kenya. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 384 HIV infected pregnant women attending 20 antenatal clinics in North Rachuonyo Sub-County in 2016. A simple random sampling technique was used to select the women and the health facilities. Data were collected through structured pre-tested questionnaires and was analyzed using binary and multiple logistic regression to determine the statistically significant association between the dependable variables and the independent variables. Results: The mean age of the women interviewed was 25.7 years with 44 % of respondents being between 15-24 years and 39% being between 25-34 years. Health care services were mostly sought in government based dispensaries (50%) and health centers (25%), and faith based health facilities (20%). Majority (60%) of the respondents did not seek permission from their partners to undertake HIV testing while only 50% had disclosed the HIV status to their partners. Lack of disclosures of the status was attributed to single parenthoodon- committal relationship (36%) and fear of being abandoned (25%). The main barriers impeding women participation on HIV/AIDS awareness programs included cultural practices such as wife inheritance (25%), lack support from the men partners in attending PMTCT services (24%), fear of losing property inheritance once HIV status is known by the family (22%) and stigma from the community and close relatives. Most respondents indicated the main feeding options for highly HIV exposed infants were exclusive breast feeding for infants less than 6 months (49%) and more than 6 months (62%). The bivariate and multivariate analyses revealed that age, marital status and occupation of the respondents did not have significant association with utilization of PMTCT services; however, women with secondary education and above (AOR = 1.05) 95% CI (1.20, 2.55) and AOR = 1.4, 95% CI (1.09, 1.92) were more likely to attend ANC for PMTCT services. Conclusion: The study showed that PMTCT services in North Rachuonyo have the potential of improvement in uptake as only 60% of women understood the importance of the service. The dispensaries and health facilities should be strengthened in offering PMTCT services as they were most preferred by the women. The sociocultural barriers noted in increasing awareness of HIV/ AIDS should be addressed by various players such as religious leaders, political leaders and other community resource persons. Women’s empowerment through education, improving antenatal care follow up and male/community involvement can be used to significantly increase utilization, attitude and uptake of the PMTCT services.
机译:背景:服务的利用是防止艾滋病毒从母婴传播的重要决定因素。良好的做法和态度会加强这一策略。本研究的目的是确定影响在肯尼亚北拉基奥尼奥县产前诊所就诊的妇女中开展的艾滋病毒预防和母婴传播(PMTCT)措施的依从性的社会文化因素。方法:对2016年在北拉丘尼约亚县的20家产前诊所就诊的384名艾滋病毒感染孕妇进行了横断面研究。采用简单的随机抽样技术选择妇女和卫生设施。通过结构化的预先测试问卷收集数据,并使用二元和多元逻辑回归进行分析,以确定可信赖变量和自变量之间的统计学显着关联。结果:受访女性的平均年龄为25.7岁,其中44%的受访者年龄在15-24岁之间,而39%的受访者年龄在25-34岁之间。多数在政府药房(50%)和卫生中心(25%)和基于信仰的卫生机构(20%)中寻求卫生保健服务。大部分(60%)的受访者没有寻求其伴侣的许可进行艾滋病毒检测,而只有50%的受访者向其伴侣披露了艾滋病毒状况。缺乏信息披露的原因是单身父母/非婚恋关系(36%)和害怕被遗弃(25%)。阻碍妇女参与艾滋病毒/艾滋病认识计划的主要障碍包括文化习俗,例如妻子继承(25%),男性伴侣在参加PMTCT服务方面缺乏支持(24%),担心一旦艾滋病毒状况已知就失去财产继承权家庭(22%)和来自社区及近亲的污名。大多数受访者表示,HIV感染率高的婴儿的主要喂养选择是对6个月以下(49%)和6个月以上(62%)的婴儿进行纯母乳喂养。双因素和多因素分析显示,受访者的年龄,婚姻状况和职业与使用PMTCT服务没有显着相关性。然而,接受过中等教育及以上(AOR = 1.05)95%CI(1.20,2.55)和AOR = 1.4,95%CI(1.09,1.92)的女性更有可能参加ANC的PMTCT服务。结论:研究表明,北拉丘尼约的PMTCT服务具有改善吸收的潜力,因为只有60%的女性了解该服务的重要性。应加强药房和卫生设施,以提供妇女最喜欢的PMTCT服务。应对艾滋病毒/艾滋病认识日益提高的社会文化障碍,应由宗教领袖,政治领袖和其他社区资源支持者等各种角色解决。通过教育增强妇女权能,改善产前检查的后续性以及男性/社区的参与可以用来显着提高PMTCT服务的利用率,态度和接受度。



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