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Design and Construction of A Low Cost Pit Latrine Emptier




Globally, an estimated 1.77 billion people have access to pit latrines as of 2013. About 90% of the households in Uganda use a pit latrine while 4% only use the ventilated improved pit latrine. In all regions of Uganda, there is lack of a low cost solution for emptying the pit latrines yet it can be designed and developed to help low income earners and communities like schools, hospitals to continuously use their pit latrines through draining them once they are full.A low cost pit latrine emptier (PLE) that is human powered using a hand pump to drain the feacal sludge from the pit latrine was designed and tested. Mainly waste water form soak pits, septage and water mixed with mud were used while testing the prototype of the PLE. This was carried out in the neighboring three homes and the flow rate was almost constant.Six tests were carried out using different kinds of waste water including muddy water (Makerere 1, mukwenda zone - Kampala) from 18 th to 26 th of May 2016. The average flow rate of the feacal sludge into the PLE was 4.29 liters per minute and this gave an efficiency of 53.5%The PLE indicted less resistance while pulling it to the disposal point where 8 minutes were taken to pull the PLE from the draining pit a disposal point which was at a distance of 100m. Discharging the waste water took 2 minutes after opening the globe valve and the PLE was pushed back to the draining site to drain more waste water.
机译:截至2013年,全球估计有17.7亿人可以使用坑式厕所。乌干达大约90%的家庭使用坑式厕所,而4%的家庭仅使用通风良好的坑式厕所。在乌干达的所有地区,都缺乏用于排空厕所的低成本解决方案,但是可以设计和开发该解决方案,以帮助低收入者以及学校,医院等社区继续使用维修后的便池,通过排空便池来继续使用厕所设计并测试了一种低成本的手动厕所排便器(PLE),该手动抽水机是使用手动泵将粪便中的粪便污物排出的。在测试PLE原型时,主要使用了浸水坑,隔板和混有泥浆的水作为废水。这是在附近的三个家庭中进行的,流量几乎恒定.2016年5月18日至26日,使用包括泥水(Makerere 1,mukwenda区-坎帕拉)在内的不同种类的废水进行了六次测试。粪便污泥进入PLE的平均流速为每分钟4.29升,效率为53.5%PLE表示阻力较小,同时将其拉至弃置点,在那里花费8分钟将PLE从排水坑中拉出。距离100m的处置点。打开截止阀2分钟后便排出了废水,PLE被推回排水位以排出更多的废水。



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