首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics >Efficiency enhancement in dye sensitized solar cells through step wise cosensitization of TiOsub2/sub electrode with N719 and metal free dye

Efficiency enhancement in dye sensitized solar cells through step wise cosensitization of TiOsub2/sub electrode with N719 and metal free dye

机译:TiO 2 电极与N719和无金属染料的逐步共敏化可提高染料敏化太阳能电池的效率



We have used a step-wise cosensitization process to improve the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of dye sensitized solar cells employing N719 and metal free dye TA-St-CA. The DSSC sensitized with N719/TA-St-CA shows a PCE of 8.27% which is higher than for the DSSCs sensitized with either N719 (5.78 %) or TA-St-CA (4.45%). The improved PCE is attributed to the enhanced overall dye loading as well the reduced dye aggregation that has resulted from the usage of dyes with different anchoring units. The enhancement in the PCE has also been attributed to increase in both short circuit photocurrent and open circuit voltage. This was due to the reduced dark current and suppression of back recombination of injected electrons in the conduction band of TiOsub2/sub photoanode with the iI/iimg src='/image/spc_char/3_bar.gif' border=0ions in the electrolyte.
机译:我们已采用逐步共敏化工艺来提高采用N719和无金属染料TA-St-CA的染料敏化太阳能电池的功率转换效率(PCE)。用N719 / TA-St-CA敏化的DSSC的PCE为8.27%,高于用N719 / TA-St-CA敏化的DSSC(5.78%)(4.45%)。改进的PCE归因于整体染料负载量的增加以及由于使用具有不同锚定单元的染料而导致的染料聚集的减少。 PCE的增强还归因于短路光电流和开路电压的增加。这是由于减少了暗电流并抑制了TiO 2 光电阳极与 I src ='/ image / spc_char的导带中注入电子的反向复合/3_bar.gif'border = 0>电解质中的离子。



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