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Comparing Operating Systems Scalability on Multicore Processors by Microbenchmarking




Multicore processor architectures have become ubiquitous in today's computing platforms, especially in parallel computing installations, with their power and cost advantages. While the technology trend continues towards having hundreds of cores on a chip in the foreseeable future, an urgent question posed to system designers as well as application users is whether applications can receive sufficient support on today's operating systems for them to scale to many cores. To this end, people need to understand the strengths and weaknesses on their support on scalability and to identify major bottlenecks limiting the scalability, if any. As open-source operating systems are of particular interests in the research and industry communities, in this paper we choose three operating systems (Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD) to systematically evaluate and compare their scalability by using a set of highly-focused microbenchmarks for broad and detailed understanding their scalability on an AMD 32-core system. We use system profiling tools and analyze kernel source codes to find out the root cause of each observed scalability bottleneck. Our results reveal that there is no single operating system among the three standing out on all system aspects, though some system(s) can prevail on some of the system aspects. For example, Linux outperforms Solaris and FreeBSD significantly for file-descriptor- and process-intensive operations. For applications with intensive sockets creation and deletion operations, Solaris leads FreeBSD, which scales better than Linux. With the help of performance tools and source code instrumentation and analysis, we find that synchronization primitives protecting shared data structures in the kernels are the major bottleneck limiting system scalability.
机译:在当今的计算平台中,尤其是在并行计算安装中,多核处理器体系结构已变得无处不在,它们具有强大的功能和成本优势。尽管技术趋势在可预见的将来继续在芯片上拥有数百个内核,但系统设计人员以及应用程序用户面临的一个紧迫问题是,应用程序是否可以在当今的操作系统上获得足够的支持,从而可以扩展到许多内核。为此,人们需要了解他们对可伸缩性的支持的优缺点,并确定限制可伸缩性的主要瓶颈(如果有)。由于开源操作系统在研究和行业界特别受关注,因此在本文中,我们选择三种操作系统(Linux,Solaris和FreeBSD),通过使用一组高度关注的微基准来系统地评估和比较其可扩展性,并详细了解它们在AMD 32核系统上的可扩展性。我们使用系统性能分析工具并分析内核源代码,以找出每个观察到的可伸缩性瓶颈的根本原因。我们的结果表明,尽管在某些系统方面可以使用某些系统,但在所有系统方面都没有一个操作系统能与众不同。例如,对于文件描述符和进程密集型操作,Linux的性能明显优于Solaris和FreeBSD。对于具有大量套接字创建和删除操作的应用程序,Solaris领先于FreeBSD,它的扩展性优于Linux。借助性能工具以及源代码工具和分析,我们发现保护内核中共享数据结构的同步原语是限制系统可伸缩性的主要瓶颈。



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