首页> 外文期刊>Illawarra Unity - Journal of the Illawarra Branch of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History >Obituary - Vale: Michael Callaghan – Artist – Raconteur – Reader – Collector – Pleasure Seeker – Holder of Hearts

Obituary - Vale: Michael Callaghan – Artist – Raconteur – Reader – Collector – Pleasure Seeker – Holder of Hearts

机译:itu告-谷地:迈克尔卡拉汉(Michael Callaghan)–艺术家–拉孔太尔–读者–收藏家–寻求快乐者–心中的持有者



On 19 May 2012 after many courageous years of struggle against illness and pain, managed with stoicism and panache, Michael Callaghan died at home, as he wanted, in the country – peacefully and in his sleep. The following weekend he was farewelled by many of his family, friends and comrades. They remembered an intelligent, vibrant, witty, cool, and charismatic man. At times a man of few words and at others a great story teller and conversationalist, Michael made an art of cutting through the bullshit and telling it as it is. He did not suffer fools gladly; in fact he couldn’t see why anyone would suffer anything gladly. Michael’s art was an outlet for his anger and affection; a weapon to expose and denounce oppression and a tool to help sustain and build the communities struggling for a better world. He drew to him many talented and dedicated friends, with whom he shared his many gifts and achievements. During his final difficult years Michael was greatly supported by his devoted wife Bronwyn. While constantly struggling with his deteriorating health he continued working and planning future exhibitions right to the end.
机译:经过多年勇敢的抗击疾病和痛苦的斗争,经过坚忍和顽强的努力,2012年5月19日,迈克尔·卡拉汉(Michael Callaghan)在家中如愿以偿地在该国去世–和平而熟睡。第二个周末,他被家人,朋友和同志们告别。他们想起了一个聪明,充满活力,机智,冷静和超凡魅力的人。有时,迈克尔是一个只有几句话的人,而另一些则是一个出色的讲故事的人和健谈的人。他并没有高兴地遭受愚弄。事实上,他看不出为什么有人会高兴地遭受任何痛苦。迈克尔的艺术是他愤怒和感情的发源地。揭露和谴责压迫的武器,以及帮助维持和建设为更美好世界而奋斗的社区的工具。他吸引了许多才华横溢和敬业的朋友,与他分享了他的许多天赋和成就。在他最后的艰难岁月中,迈克尔得到了他虔诚的妻子布朗维的大力支持。在不断为自己不断恶化的健康状况而苦苦挣扎的同时,他继续努力并计划了今后的展览。




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