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Usage of an online tool to help policymakers better engage with research: Web CIPHER

机译:使用在线工具帮助决策者更好地参与研究:Web CIPHER



Background There is a need to develop innovations that help policymakers better engage with research in order to increase its use in policymaking. As part of the Centre for Informing Policy in Health with Evidence from Research (CIPHER), we established Web CIPHER, an online tool with dynamic interactive elements such as hot topics, research summaries, blogs from trusted figures in health policy and research, a community bulletin board, multimedia section and research portal. The aim of this study was to examine policymakers’ use of the website, and determine which sections were key drivers of use. Methods Google Analytics (GA) was used to gather usage data during a 16-month period. Analysis was restricted to Web CIPHER members from policy agencies. We examined descriptive statistics including mean viewing times, number of page visits and bounce rates for each section and performed analyses of variance to compare usage between sections. Repeated measures analyses were undertaken to examine whether a weekly reminder email improved usage of Web CIPHER, particularly for research-related content. Results During the measurement period, 223 policymakers from more than 32 organisations joined Web CIPHER. Users viewed eight posts on average per visit and stayed on the site for approximately 4 min. The bounce rate was less than 6%. The Blogs and Community sections received more unique views than all other sections. Blogs relating to improving policymakers’ skills in applying research to policy were particularly popular. The email reminder had a positive effect on improving usage, particularly for research-related posts. Conclusions The data indicated a relatively small number of users. However, this sample may not be representative of policymakers since membership to the site and usage was completely voluntarily. Nonetheless, those who used the site appeared to engage well with it. The findings suggest that providing blog-type content written by trusted experts in health policy and research as well as regular email reminders may provide an effective means of disseminating the latest research to policymakers through an online web portal.
机译:背景技术有必要开发有助于决策者更好地参与研究的创新,以增加其在决策中的应用。作为基于研究的健康信息通报政策中心(CIPHER)的一部分,我们建立了Web CIPHER,这是一个在线工具,具有动态交互元素,例如热门话题,研究摘要,来自健康政策和研究中可信赖人物的博客,社区公告板,多媒体部分和研究门户。这项研究的目的是检查政策制定者对网站的使用,并确定哪些部分是使用的主要推动力。方法使用Google Analytics(分析)(GA)收集16个月内的使用情况数据。分析仅限于政策机构的Web CIPHER成员。我们检查了描述性统计信息,包括每个部分的平均观看时间,页面访问次数和跳出率,并进行了方差分析以比较各个部分之间的用法。进行了重复的措施分析,以检查每周提醒电子邮件是否改善了Web CIPHER的使用,特别是对于与研究相关的内容。结果在评估期间,来自32个组织的223位决策者加入了Web CIPHER。用户平均每次访问查看8个帖子,并在该网站上停留了大约4分钟。跳出率小于6%。与所有其他部分相比,“博客”和“社区”部分获得了更多独特的视图。与提高决策者将研究应用于政策的技能有关的博客特别受欢迎。电子邮件提醒对提高使用率具有积极作用,尤其是与研究相关的帖子。结论数据表明用户数量相对较少。但是,此样本可能无法代表决策者,因为该站点的成员资格和使用完全是自愿的。但是,那些使用该网站的人似乎对此很好地参与了。研究结果表明,提供由值得信赖的健康政策和研究专家撰写的博客类型内容以及定期的电子邮件提醒,可以提供一种有效的手段,通过在线门户网站向决策者传播最新研究成果。



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