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A review on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with various vegetable oil




In the present scenario, world energy consumption is increasing rapidly every year because of the increasing trend of modernization and industrialization. Crude oil is the major source for producing energy, results in the degradation of the environment due to fossil fuel combustion. Moreover, the combustion products like carbon di-oxide (COsub2/sub), sulphur di-oxide (SOsub2/sub), and nitrogen oxide (NOsubX/sub) causes global warming.Crude oil depletes every year, to satisfy the energy demands, the crude oil is imported. The environmental problems caused by the indiscriminate use and scarcity of petroleum are the major factor to explore renewable energy resources. The idea of vegetable oil as a fuel to run diesel engines has been on the world stage over a century ago. Vegetable oil is an alternative fuel as a source of energy has been receiving great attention among the researchers because of its renewability, biodegradability, non-toxic and better quality of exhaust gas emissions.A lot of edible and inedible vegetable oils which canbe exploited for substitute fuel as diesel fuel, i.e., jatropha, karanja, rubber seed, cottonseed, palm oil, sun flower oil, rape seed oiland neemoils etc., has been selected and discussed the performance, combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine under the variousworking conditions.
机译:在目前的情况下,由于现代化和工业化的趋势,世界能源消耗每年都在迅速增加。原油是产生能源的主要来源,由于化石燃料燃烧而导致环境退化。此外,燃烧产物如二氧化碳(CO 2 ),二氧化硫(SO 2 )和氮氧化物(NO X >)导致全球变暖。原油每年都在消耗,为了满足能源需求,需要进口原油。滥用石油和稀缺石油造成的环境问题是开发可再生能源的主要因素。植物油作为驱动柴油发动机的燃料的想法已经在一个世纪以前出现在世界舞台上。植物油是一种替代能源,由于其可再生,可生物降解,无毒,废气排放质量好等优点,已成为研究人员关注的焦点。许多可食用和不可食用的植物油可被替代作为柴油燃料,选择了麻风树,魔芋,橡胶籽,棉籽,棕榈油,葵花籽油,菜籽油和neemoils等,并讨论了在各种工况下柴油机的性能,燃烧和排放特性。



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