首页> 外文期刊>Atmosphere >On the Precipitation and Precipitation Change in Alaska

On the Precipitation and Precipitation Change in Alaska




Alaska observes very large differences in precipitation throughout the state; southeast Alaska experiences consistently wet conditions, while northern Arctic Alaska observes very dry conditions. The maximum mean annual precipitation of 5727 mm is observed in the southeastern panhandle at Little Port Arthur, while the minimum of 92 mm occurs on the North Slope at Kuparuk. Besides explaining these large differences due to geographic and orographic location, we discuss the changes in precipitation with time. Analyzing the 18 first-order National Weather Service stations, we found that the total average precipitation in the state increased by 17% over the last 67 years. The observed changes in precipitation are furthermore discussed as a function of the observed temperature increase of 2.1 ???°C, the mean temperature change of the 18 stations over the same period. This observed warming of Alaska is about three times the magnitude of the mean global warming and allows the air to hold more water vapor. Furthermore, we discuss the effect of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), which has a strong influence on both the temperature and precipitation in Alaska.
机译:阿拉斯加观测到整个州的降水差异很大。阿拉斯加东南部一直处于潮湿状态,而北极阿拉斯加北部则观测到非常干燥的条件。在小亚瑟港东南部的handhandle观测到最大平均年降水量为5727 mm,而最小的92 mm发生在库帕鲁克的北坡。除了解释由于地理位置和地理位置造成的巨大差异外,我们还讨论了降水随时间的变化。通过分析18个一级国家气象服务站,我们发现该州的总平均降雨量在过去67年中增加了17%。此外,还讨论了观测到的降水变化,它是观测到的温度升高2.1℃的函数,这是同一时期18个站点的平均温度变化。观测到的阿拉斯加变暖约为全球平均变暖幅度的三倍,并使空气中能够容纳更多的水蒸气。此外,我们讨论了太平洋年代际涛动(PDO)的影响,该影响对阿拉斯加的温度和降水都有很大影响。



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