首页> 外文期刊>Avian Conservation and Ecology >Are Boreal Ovenbirds, Seiurus aurocapilla, More Prone to Move across Inhospitable Landscapes in Alberta’s Boreal Mixedwood Forest than in Southern Québec’s Temperate Deciduous Forest?

Are Boreal Ovenbirds, Seiurus aurocapilla, More Prone to Move across Inhospitable Landscapes in Alberta’s Boreal Mixedwood Forest than in Southern Québec’s Temperate Deciduous Forest?

机译:与阿尔伯塔省南部的混交林相比,魁北克的温带落叶林中的北极野鸟,Seiurus aurocapillas更倾向于在荒凉的景观中穿行吗?



Population life-history traits such as the propensity to move across inhospitable landscapes should be shaped by exposure to landscape structure over evolutionary time. Thus, birds that recently evolved in landscapes fragmented by natural disturbances such as fire would be expected to show greater behavioral and morphological vagility relative to conspecifics that evolved under less patchy landscapes shaped by fewer and finer-scaled disturbances, i.e., the resilience hypothesis. These predictions are not new, but they remain largely untested, even for well-studied taxa such as neotropical migrant birds. We combined two experimental translocation, i.e., homing, studies to test whether Ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapilla, from the historically dynamic boreal mixedwood forest of north-central Alberta (n = 55) is more vagile than Ovenbird from historically less dynamic deciduous forest of southern Québec (n = 89). We found no regional difference in either wing loading or the response of homing Ovenbird to landscape structure. Nevertheless, this study presents a heuristic framework that can advance the understanding of boreal landscape dynamics as an evolutionary force.
机译:人口生活史特征,例如在荒凉的土地上移动的倾向,应通过在进化时间内接触景观结构来塑造。因此,相对于在较少且规模较小的干扰(即复原力假设)形成的斑块状景观较少的情况下进化的同种动物,预计最近在受自然干扰(例如火)破坏的景观中进化的鸟类表现出更大的行为和形态易变性。这些预测并不新鲜,但即使对于经过深入研究的类群(如新热带候鸟),也基本上未经测试。我们结合了两个实验性易位研究,即归巢研究,以测试来自阿尔伯塔省中北部(n = 55)的具有历史动态的北方混交林中的Ovenbird,Seiurus aurocapilla是否比来自魁北克省南部的具有较低历史动态的落叶林中的Ovenbird更易变(n = 89)。我们没有发现机翼载荷或归巢烤箱对景观结构的响应的区域差异。但是,本研究提出了一种启发式框架,可以促进对北方景观动态作为进化力的理解。



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