首页> 外文期刊>Avian Conservation and Ecology >Distribution, habitat, and conservation status of the near-threatened Japanese Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone atrocaudata periophthalmica) on Lanyu, Taiwan

Distribution, habitat, and conservation status of the near-threatened Japanese Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone atrocaudata periophthalmica) on Lanyu, Taiwan

机译:台湾兰屿濒临灭绝的日本天堂Japanese(Terpsiphone atrocaudata periophthalmica)的分布,栖息地和保护状况



The near-threatened Japanese Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone atrocaudata) consists of three subspecies, one of which, T. a. periophthalmica, has an important population on Lanyu, Taiwan. After briefly reviewing the species’ conservation status in its breeding range, we describe our field work in Lanyu during the breeding seasons of 2009 and 2010. We first established that the territory size of a male flycatcher is around 1.16 hectares. We then visited 224 1-hectare grid cells randomly distributed across Lanyu and established 120 presence grid cells. We then used these presence grid cells and nine environmental data layers to build an ensemble distribution model using the software Maxent. The model showed that the Japanese Paradise-Flycatcher prefers relatively wet forest habitats at elevations of 50–300 m. Using the model, we estimated that the extent of suitable habitat covered approximately 12.0 km² (or 26%) of Lanyu’s surface area, which could hold approximately 1000 male territories. Forest cover increased between 1948 and 2006 by approximately 7.6 km² (or 16%) of Lanyu’s surface area, which, all other things being equal, should have resulted in a population increase of around 30%. Given the absence of current threats, the Lanyu population is assumed to be relatively stable. Given this new information and our review of the species’ conservation status, we suggest that the species may be down-listed to “least concern.” However, if the distinct subspecies T. a. periophthalmica would be elevated to species status or be considered two independent conservation units (one in Lanyu and one in Batanes, Philippines), its conservation status would be much more precarious given it only occurs in five known localities (Lanyu and four islands in Batanes) of limited geographic range, and a population size of approximately 1000 males in Lanyu and an unknown population size in Batanes. Therefore, we conclude that more information is needed about (1) the species’ status in Batanes, (2) its migration and wintering grounds, and (3) the taxonomic status of the three subspecies.
机译:濒临灭绝的日本天堂-(Terpsiphone atrocaudata)由三个亚种组成,其中一个亚种为T. a.。眼周粉在台湾兰屿有重要人口。在简要回顾了该物种在繁殖范围内的保护状况之后,我们描述了我们在2009年和2010年繁殖季节在蓝屿进行的野外工作。我们首先确定了一只雄fly的领土面积约为1.16公顷。然后,我们访问了随机分布在Lanyu上的224个1公顷网格单元,并建立了120个存在网格单元。然后,我们使用这些存在网格单元和九个环境数据层,使用Maxent软件来构建整体分布模型。该模型显示,日本天堂捕蝇器更喜欢海拔50-300 m的相对潮湿的森林栖息地。使用该模型,我们估计合适的栖息地范围覆盖了Lanyu表面积的大约12.0km²(或26%),可以容纳大约1000个男性领土。在1948年至2006年之间,森林覆盖率增加了兰屿的表面积约7.6km²(即16%),在所有其他条件相同的情况下,该地区的人口应增加了约30%。考虑到目前没有威胁,兰屿人口被认为是相对稳定的。有了这些新信息以及我们对该物种的保护状态的审查,我们建议将该物种列为“最低关注”。但是,如果不同的亚种为T。牙周膜将被提升为物种状态,或被认为是两个独立的保护单位(一个在兰屿,一个在菲律宾巴塔内斯,菲律宾),鉴于它仅在五个已知地区(兰屿和巴塔内斯的四个岛屿)发生,其保护状况将更加不稳定。的地理范围有限,兰屿的人口规模约为1000,巴丹群岛的人口规模未知。因此,我们得出结论,需要更多有关以下方面的信息:(1)该物种在巴丹群岛的地位,(2)其迁徙和越冬地以及(3)这三个亚种的分类地位。



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