首页> 外文期刊>Avian Conservation and Ecology >Key demographic factors for recovery of the endangered Nightingale Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus hiwae) via population viability analysis

Key demographic factors for recovery of the endangered Nightingale Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus hiwae) via population viability analysis




The Nightingale Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus hiwae), a critically endangered songbird, is the last remaining of four reed-warbler species that once inhabited the Mariana Islands. The most recent population estimate for the species is 2915–3742 individuals distributed over the islands of Saipan (n = 2742, 95% CI = 1686–3956) and Alamagan (n = 946, 95% CI = 173–1000), which represents a significant decline for the species on Saipan. Though data on life history parameters such as survival rates are not widely available, other parameters such as clutch size and nest success have been studied. Given the extirpation of three of the four reed-warbler species from the Mariana Islands, the recent significant decline of the larger Saipan population, and the increasing threats faced by the species, it is critical to determine what additional life history information is needed to aid management decisions. Using Vortex, we developed stochastic population models to represent current reed-warbler population dynamics and used sensitivity analysis to identify the life history parameters to which the model was most sensitive. Baseline models without inbreeding indicated declines of the Nightingale Reed-Warbler populations on Saipan and Alamagan, as well as of the overall population. The inclusion of inbreeding further increases the modeled rate of population decline. Parameters such as initial population size, carrying capacity, and male survival have relatively little influence on reed-warbler population models, while female and juvenile survival and, to a lesser degree, fecundity measures, exhibit strong influences on the species’ population dynamics. We recommend effort be placed on collecting updated survival data for all life stages, but particularly for females and juveniles. Given model predictions of vulnerability to extinction, we recommend management actions that may increase survival rates of juveniles and females.
机译:极度濒危的鸣禽夜莺(Rhoed-Warbler)是曾经居住在马里亚纳群岛(Mariana Islands)的四种芦苇莺中的最后一种。该物种的最新种群估计为2915–3742个个体,分布在塞班岛(n = 2742,95%CI = 1686–3956)和阿拉马根岛(n = 946,95%CI = 173–1000),代表塞班岛上的物种显着减少。尽管关于生命史参数(例如生存率)的数据尚不广泛,但是已经研究了其他参数(例如离合器尺寸和套窝成功率)。鉴于马里亚纳群岛(Mariana Islands)的四种芦苇莺物种已灭绝,塞班岛上的大量人口最近大量减少以及该物种面临的威胁不断增加,因此,确定需要哪些其他生活史信息以提供帮助至关重要管理决策。使用Vortex,我们开发了随机种群模型来表示当前的芦苇莺种群动态,并使用敏感性分析来确定模型最敏感的生活史参数。没有近亲繁殖的基线模型表明塞班岛和阿拉马根州的夜莺里德沃伯勒族人口以及总人口都在减少。近交的加入进一步增加了人口下降的模型化速度。诸如初始种群大小,携带能力和雄性存活率等参数对芦苇种群模型的影响相对较小,而雌性和幼体存活率以及较小的繁殖力措施对物种的种群动态影响很大。我们建议应努力收集所有生命阶段(尤其是女性和青少年)的最新生存数据。给定模型对濒临灭绝的脆弱性的预测,我们建议采取管理措施,以提高少年和女性的生存率。



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