首页> 外文期刊>Avian Conservation and Ecology >Determining the factors that influence the occurrence of Bare-faced Curassows (Crax fasciolata) in Humid Chaco, northern Argentina

Determining the factors that influence the occurrence of Bare-faced Curassows (Crax fasciolata) in Humid Chaco, northern Argentina

机译:确定影响阿根廷北部Humid Chaco裸露的Curassows(Crax fasciolata)发生的因素



Identifying factors that determine the spatial distribution of threatened species is key to ensuring their conservation. The Bare-faced Curassow (Crax fasciolata) is a globally threatened bird that is categorized as Vulnerable, and its populations are declining in the gallery forests of the Humid Chaco. To evaluate the effect of human activities and environmental characteristics on the occupancy of Bare-faced Curassows, we sampled 48 sites along two rivers in northern Argentina. Bare-faced Curassows were recorded in 46% of the sites visited. The anthropic activities were identified as hunting pressure, selective logging of timber, and livestock production. Hunting and logging were positively associated with each other, and in turn, negatively related to village distance. We evaluated 17 occupancy models using six predictive variables. Occupancy by the Bare-faced Curassow was positively influenced by the distance to the nearest village and by forest cover. To a lesser extent, occupancy was also positively associated with an increase in availability of trees with fleshy fruits and with river course length. Our results indicate that hunting pressure and selective logging are limited by the cost of access from populated areas. Thus, distance to the villages was a good indicator of these human activities along the gallery forests and could be used to determine the spatial distribution of the Bare-faced Curassow in its southern range. Our study highlights the value of using presence/absence surveys and occupancy models for assessing threats of threatened and elusive species such as cracids.
机译:确定决定受威胁物种空间分布的因素是确保其保护的关键。裸露的Curassow(Crax fasciolata)是一种全球性濒危鸟类,被归为易危物种,其种群在Humid Chaco的画廊森林中正在减少。为了评估人类活动和环境特征对光秃秃的Curassows占用的影响,我们在阿根廷北部的两条河流上采样了48个地点。在所访问的站点中,有46%的人面对裸露的Curassows。人类活动被确定为狩猎压力,木材的选择性采伐和牲畜生产。狩猎和伐木相互之间呈正相关,而与村庄距离则呈负相关。我们使用六个预测变量评估了17个入住模型。裸露的Curassow的居住受到到最近村庄的距离和森林覆盖率的影响。在较小程度上,占用也与果肉多的树木和河道长度的增加成正相关。我们的结果表明,狩猎压力和选择性伐木受到人口稠密地区进入成本的限制。因此,到村庄的距离很好地说明了沿着画廊森林的这些人类活动,并且可以用来确定裸露的库拉索在其南部范围内的空间分布。我们的研究强调了使用在场/不在场调查和占用模型来评估濒危物种的危险性的价值。



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