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Using a natural reference system to evaluate songbird habitat restoration




The Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) is an imperiled songbird that breeds in early-successional plant communities of eastern North America. Conservation efforts on the breeding grounds have become a priority because population declines are thought to be driven, in part, by the loss of breeding habitat. Although the species is known to use a variety of upland and wetland cover types, the majority of previous research on the species has been conducted in uplands. Although patterns of Golden-winged Warbler habitat use within anthropogenic upland communities are well understood, such information within naturally occurring habitats are scant. We compared Golden-winged Warbler densities in natural shrub-wetlands and nearby upland timber harvest that conformed to species-specific habitat guidelines of the Poconos Region of Pennsylvania. We also identified vegetation characteristics of natural shrub-wetlands associated with high warbler abundance. Our analyses suggest that timber harvests and natural shrub-wetlands of the Poconos supported similar densities of Golden-winged Warblers. N-mixture models suggested that natural shrub-wetlands with low canopy cover and high densities of 1-2 m tall woody stems hosted more Golden-winged Warblers. Wetland complexes comprising more edge and those with more emergent wetland types supported the highest warbler abundances. This suggests that the species requires edges when it occurs within shrub-wetlands, a pattern not observed within our timber harvests, which were designed to have adequate tree cover throughout. Findings from our study combined with those from concurrent research evaluating Golden-winged Warbler reproductive success suggests that timber harvests following Golden-winged Warbler habitat guidelines have similar capacity as natural shrub-wetlands to support breeding populations. A future effort to quantify the potential of different wetland types to host breeding Golden-winged Warblers is warranted. Such information used in combination with timber harvest planning will provide insight for landscape-level conservation that considers maintaining appropriate amounts of nesting habitat to sustain Golden-winged Warblers in this region.
机译:金翅莺(Vermivora chrysoptera)是一种濒临灭绝的鸣鸟,在北美东部的早期成功植物群落中繁殖。在繁殖场进行保护工作已成为当务之急,因为人们认为种群减少是部分原因是繁殖栖息地的丧失。尽管已知该物种使用多种旱地和湿地覆盖类型,但先前对该物种的大多数研究都是在旱地进行的。尽管在人为的高地社区内金翅莺栖息地的使用方式已广为人知,但在自然栖息地内的此类信息很少。我们比较了天然灌木湿地和附近山地木材采伐中的金翅莺的密度,该密度符合宾夕法尼亚州Poconos地区特定物种的栖息地指南。我们还确定了与高莺数量相关的天然灌木湿地的植被特征。我们的分析表明,波科诺斯的木材收成和天然灌木湿地支持了类似密度的金翅莺。 N混合模型表明,低冠层覆盖率和1-2m高木茎高密度的天然灌木湿地容纳了更多的金翅莺。包括更多边缘的湿地复合体和具有更多突发湿地类型的复合体支持了最高的莺莺数量。这表明该物种在灌木湿地中出现时需要边缘,这是我们的木材采伐中未观察到的模式,其设计目的是在整个树木上覆盖足够的树木。我们研究的结果与对金翅莺的生殖成功进行评估的同期研究相结合,表明遵循金翅莺栖息地指南的木材采伐具有与天然灌木湿地相似的支持繁殖种群的能力。未来有必要对不同湿地类型的潜力进行量化,以容纳繁殖金翅莺。这些信息与木材采伐计划结合使用,将为景观一级的保护提供见解,考虑保持适当数量的筑巢生境以维持该地区的金翅莺。



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