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An??lisis econ?3mico de predios lecheros del sur de Chile




A productive, social and economic characterization of 13 milk farms, located in the Region of Los Lagos, in southern Chile is pre-sented. Theperiod of study involved the 2012-2013 season. An inventory of theirs assets and liabilities was generated based on the data provided by the farmers, the information was uploaded onto the management software of agricultural accounting (CONGA) designed by the Institute of Agricultural Economics at the University Austral of Chile. A detailed economic and fnancial analysis was obtained, and the major production variables were determined. The economic-fnancial analysis considered the solvency, liquidity, economic productivity and profitability. Meanwhile, some variables were determined by interviews that evaluated edu-cation, sex, age, and family size. The results indicate that the average age is less than the one registered by others authors. When compared to net benefits, younger age it is a better indicator. The education level is technical for most of the farmers, with many of them having agricultural studies. Net profit is positive for all farms, and the highest production costs are replacement, feed costs and fertilizer expenses. The farm profitability is higher than average profits reported by other authors. The highest positive correlation was recorded between age and net profit by cow, and between age and net profit by hectare. In the case of these same milk farmers, the level of indebtedness and education are negatively correlated, showing the same situation for the correlation of net profit by hectare and the level of education of dairy farmers.



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