首页> 外文期刊>Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology >Consumption Diagnosis of Sweet Cassava in three Municipalities in Cuba

Consumption Diagnosis of Sweet Cassava in three Municipalities in Cuba




Cassava is an important staple food for human and animal feeding in Cuba. Despite its importance, there is little or nonexistent information to diagnose preferences and frequency of consumption of cassava in that country. In this sense, the present article characterizes the preferences and frequency of consumption of cassava in the municipalities of Plaza de la Revolución-La Habana province, El Salvador–Guantanamo province and San José de Las Lajas–Mayabeque province in Cuba. A survey was conducted through a questionnaire containing twelve closed and two open questions. The sample was determined based on the number of total population of each municipality considering 95% as confidence interval and 5% as error margin. The results were statistically analyzed by calculating the absolute and the relative frequencies of each question. It was observed that the acquisition of cassava in the municipalities of Plaza de la Revolución, El Salvador and San José de las Lajas in Cuba is done by purchase small quantities of fresh cassava for home consumption within one week, due to the extreme perishability of cassava, which limits consumers' ability to store fresh roots at home. The choice of cassava is made based on both skin colour (light brown) and pulp (white) and empirical knowledge about its ease of cooking, and that cassava is mostly consumed in boiled and fried forms up to four times a week in times where there is root market supply with the desirable culinary characteristics (cooking facility), that is, from September to December.
机译:木薯是古巴人类和动物饲养的重要主食。尽管具有重要意义,但在该国几乎没有信息可以诊断木薯的喜好和食用频率。从这个意义上讲,本篇文章描述了古巴革命广场(Plaza de laRevolución-LaHabana),萨尔瓦多-瓜塔纳莫(Saantador-Guantanamo)省和圣何塞·德拉拉斯(Las Lajas)-Mayabeque省的木薯消费偏好和食用频率。通过包含十二个封闭问题和两个开放问题的问卷进行了调查。根据每个城市的总人口数确定样本,并将95%作为置信区间,将5%作为误差范围。通过计算每个问题的绝对和相对频率对结果进行统计分析。据观察,在古巴的革命广场,萨尔瓦多市和圣何塞·德拉斯拉哈斯市,由于木薯极易腐烂,因此要在一周内购买少量新鲜木薯供家庭食用,从而获得木薯。 ,这限制了消费者在家中存储新根的能力。木薯的选择基于肤色(浅棕色)和果肉(白色)以及有关其易于烹饪的经验知识,并且木薯大多以煮沸和油炸的形式食用,每周最多食用四次。是具有理想烹饪特性(烹饪设施)的根市场供应,即从9月到12月。



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